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Undergraduate Program

Introduction to an Undergraduate Degree in the Classics Program


The civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome have had a profound influence on the development of our own culture. The various expressions of human experience that are revealed through our literature and art, in our political and social institutions, and even in our language―all show the impact of the legacy of the classical world.

The Classics program of the Department of Classical and Oriental Studies offers a full range of studies in the worlds of Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Near East, from a single course in Myth or the Greek and Latin Roots of English to majors in Greek, Latin, Classical Archaeology, or Classical Studies. Students who want to know about the classical world without learning its languages can choose from a variety of courses in civilization, literature in translation, myth and religion, and archaeology. In addition, the program participates in Hunter's interdepartmental programs in Religion, Comparative Literature, and Women and Gender Studies.

The online Hunter College Undergraduate Catalog includes these links for information, the five majors, and faculty:

1) Classics in the Information page for the Department of Classical and Oriental Studies.

2) The five majors and courses offered in Classics under Programs and Courses for Classical and Oriental Studies:
a) Greek,
b) Latin,
c) Greek and Latin,
d) Classical Studies,
e) Classical Archaeology.

3) Honors in Classics

4) The Classical Studies Faculty under the Faculty of Classical and Oriental Studies.

What can you do with a degree in Classics? Anything! Careers in research, government and education use skills developed in Classical Studies, and a major in Classics provides an excellent foundation for many professional programs such as law and medicine. In addition, our majors also lead to specialized careers―such as college and high school teaching, museum work, and archival research. Please see Careers for Classicists in Today's World by Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., for more details.

Nota Bene:

Although every effort is made to ensure that this material is accurate and up to date, it is provided for the convenience of the user and should not be considered official. When making significant decisions or judgments, the user is advised to refer to and rely upon the most recent edition of the Hunter College Undergraduate Catalog available online.

For those wishing to pursue an MA/PhD program at the CUNY Graduate Center, or the Program for Teachers of Adolescent Education (Grades 7-12) -- the Latin MA at Hunter College:

Arrange an appointment to talk with your undergraduate Classics professors as soon as possible about the following possibilities as well as many others:

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