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Study Abroad


The following programs are supported by the Division of Russian and Slavic Studies. Credits earned in these programs are transferrable to Hunter College.

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Summer Study Abroad


Summer Program at Jagiellonian University in Krakow

In addition to Polish courses offered at Hunter, students can register through Hunter's Education Abroad Program for a Summer Program at Jagiellonian University in Krakow.


Academic Year, Semester and Summer Study Abroad

Due to recent political events and the aftereffects of the pandemic, the Russian Study Abroad program is being restructured. For more information on the changes to the program described below, check this page for updates or contact Prof. Yasha Klots (

The Division of Russian and Slavic Studies offers a two-track summer program in Riga, Latvia. One track consists of a 3-credit course, "The Baltic Transit: Russian Writers en route to the West" and the other track of the 3-credit Intermediate Russian (Russ 201). Both courses are taught by Prof. Yasha Klots. The program is hosted by the Baltic Center for Educational and Academic Development which provides housing, classrooms, and excursions.

Location: Riga, Latvia

Credits Offered:

Language Track: RUSS 201 (3 credits)


Literature Track: RUSS 25674 / 24674 "The Baltic Transit" (3 credits)

Financial Aid: TAP, PELL, student loans

Scholarships: Chancellor's Global Scholarship, Departmental Travel Grants, Gilman

For Program fees, application deadline, tentative dates, and payment schedule contact:


RUSS 201 (3 credits) has a prerequisite of two semesters of Russian (RUSS 101/102). Russian heritage speakers may be enrolled in the course upon taking a placement test prior to departure.

RUSS 25674 (3 credits) has no prerequisites. This course is taught in English and does not require any knowledge of Russian. However, heritage speakers and students with sufficient language skills have the option of getting 3 credits in RUSS 24674, which may be used towards fulfilling the Russian major requirement. Registering for it requires taking a language placement test prior to the start of the program and implies that most readings and final projects are carried out in Russian. Either course registration fulfills the "Diversity and Plurality" requirement.

Credits & Grades:

Students in this program will receive both credits and letter grades. Grades will count toward their Hunter GPA.

Prof. Yasha Klots
Russian and Slavic Studies
Office: 1302 HW 
Phone: (212) 772-4960 (Department of Classical and Oriental Studies)



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