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Curriculum Vitae - William J. Mayer

MayerMagister Mayer has taught at Hunter since summer of 1971. He did his undergraduate work at Albany University and graduate work at Columbia University. He has been active in various classics organizations, serving as President of the Classical Association of the Empire State and of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States and was a founder of the State Council on Languages, serving as chairman of that organization. He has done innumerable presentations and workshops for teachers in New York State, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, Georgia and California, as well as at the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Since 1989 he has presented eleven workshop sessions at the annual Institutes of the American Classical League. In June of 2003, he received the Meritus Award “for distinguished service to the American Classical League and to the Classics Profession.” He has been a reader for the Latin Advanced Placement Exams since 1993, serving for five years as Question Leader and one year as Table Leader. Since the Fall of 2002, he has been an Associate Editor of The Classical Outlook.

January 2014 »