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Curriculum Vitae - Joanne Spurza

SpurzaJoanne Spurza is a Classical archaeologist specializing in Roman architecture and ancient urbanism. She studied at Bryn Mawr College (AB, MA) and Princeton University (MA, PhD) and is a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome. At Hunter, she teaches courses in Roman, Egyptian and Greek archaeology, in Roman civilization, Classical mythology, and upper-level seminars on aspects of Roman society and culture. She has participated in excavations and fieldwork in Sicily (Morgantina), Cyprus (Marion), Ostia Antica and Rome (Roman Forum, House of the Vestals).

Her principal field research is centered at Ostia, where she has worked for fifteen years in collaboration with the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Ostia. She currently is completing a monograph based on her long-term study of a major building complex there. The Palazzo Imperiale at Ostia: An Urban Reconstruction examines the well-preserved port city of imperial Rome during the Severan period in the 3rd century A.D. Her upcoming project is to open a new excavation at the Palazzo site within the next two years.

June 2013 »