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Non-Hunter and Non-CUNY Students


Non-Hunter CUNY students

CUNY students not enrolled at Hunter College can take Arabic language, literature, and culture courses at Hunter College via an e-permit

Students who have taken one or more semesters of Arabic at a school other than Hunter must contact the head of Hunter's Arabic program before registering for any Arabic language class.


Non-CUNY students

Arabic language, literature, and culture classes at Hunter are open to students not-matriculated in CUNY, or any other university, as long as they have a high school degree or the equivalent.

In order to take Arabic language, literature, and culture classes at Hunter one must apply to Hunter as a non-degree student

Information on how and by when to do so can be found here.

Tuition information for non-degree students can be found here.

Please note that admission to Hunter College as a non-degree student does not gurantee admission to a particular class, thus it is adviseable that students contact the head of Hunter's Arabic program before applying. Students must contact the head of Hunter's Arabic program before registering for a class.


Please note that Arabic 101-202 at Hunter college are not open to native speakers/heritage students of Arabic. See courses for more information on courses available for native/heritage speakers.


For more information please contact:

Alex Elinson, Associate Professor and
Head of Arabic Program
Department of Classical and Oriental Studies
1304 Hunter West
Hunter College, CUNY
695 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10065

January 2013 »