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Curriculum Vitae - Joseph S. Salemi

Joseph S. Salemi has published poems and translations in over seventy journals throughout the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. He has published four collections of poetry: Masquerade (Pivot Press); The Lilacs on Good Friday (The New Formalist Press); Formal Complaints (Somers Rock Press); and Nonsense Couplets (Somers Rocks Press). He has translated poems from a wide range of Greek and Roman authors, including Catullus, Martial, Juvenal, Horace, Propertius, Austonius, Theognis, and Philodemus. In addition, he has published extensive translations (with scholarly commentary and annotations) from Renaissance texts such as the Faunus poems of Pietro Bembo, the Facetiae of Poggio Bracciolini, and the Latin verse of Baldassare Castiglione. He is a recipient of a Herbert Musurillo Scholarship, a Lane Cooper Fellowship, an N.E.H. Summer Seminar Fellowship, and the 1993 Classical and Modern Literature Award. Salemi is also the winner of numerous individual prizes for his poetry. He is currently completing an epic-length satire on modern American life entitled A Gallery of Ethopaths. He is a regular essayist and critic for the Expansive Poetry and Music website, and the Associate Editor of Iambs and Trochees. A native of New York City, he teaches in the department of Humanities at New York University, and in the Classics Department of Hunter College, CUNY.

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