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Estimated Costs

The estimated costs below are for planning purposes for a typical year.

Estimated additional expenses are included for planning purposes only.

I. Academic Expenses (Administrative Fees, Tuition, Learning Materials, Student ID card, and Student Group Accident Insurance): $2,200
II. International Travel (Visa, Visa Health Certificate Certification, Required COVID-19 testing, Resident Visa, Resident Visa Health Check-Up, Alien Resident Certificate/ARC Card, NCCU New Students Health Examination Form, and Insurance): $1,840
III. Lodging (NCCU Dormitory, Mattress, Bedding, Pillow, Internet, and Utilities): $4,662
IV. Estimated Additional Expenses (Airfare, Local Transportation, Food/Meals/Incidentals, Mobile Phone, and Checked Bags): $12,500

The amounts on this worksheet are subject to change and are for estimation purposes only. All amounts are in US$.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, there may be additional quarantine costs. Please speak with your domestic program coordinator.

PLEASE NOTE: Students who wish to travel independently during weekends/school breaks should budget at least an additional $1,500 of personal finances for this purpose.