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You are here: Home Pre-Health Advising Pressroom Seminars 2019 10 Exploring Health Professions: Clinical Psychologist

Exploring Health Professions: Clinical Psychologist

Join us for a discussion with Dr. Tyrel Sparks as we explore careers in Clinical Psychology or Health Psychology & Clinical Science, the application process for PhD. or PsyD, what entails these graduate programs require, and what career options you can pursue in healthcare after degree completion. Dr. Tyrel Sparks’s research focuses on substance use and sexual health in sexual minority populations, with a particular emphasis on relationship factors associated with sexual health in gay and bisexual men. His research incorporates an emphasis on intervention development. He is currently the PI on a NIDA funded project which seeks to develop novel interventions to reduce substance use and enhance assertive communication skills within the context of couples HIV testing and counseling with gay and bisexual couples. His work has two primary foci: How relationship expectancies, beliefs and attitudes shape health related behavior among single gay and bisexual men How individual and dyadic factors interact to influence shape health related behavior among gay and bisexual men in main partner relationships with other men.

When Oct 30, 2019
from 01:10 pm to 03:00 pm
Speaker Dr. Tyrel Sparks
Speaker Information Clinical Psychologist
Where Hunter West 404
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