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You are here: Home Pre-Health Advising Pressroom Seminars 2023 12 Pre-Health Purple Hawk Book Club-Book #3 -My Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness

Pre-Health Purple Hawk Book Club-Book #3 -My Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness

When Dec 05, 2023
from 06:30 pm to 07:30 pm
Speaker Pre-Health Advising
Speaker Information Pre-Health Advising Team
Where Zoom Virtual Meeting
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Join us to discuss the final book we are reading this semester, My Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan.

An award-winning memoir and instant New York Times bestseller that goes far beyond its riveting medical mystery, Brain on Fire is the powerful account of one woman’s struggle to recapture her identity.

When twenty-four-year-old Susannah Cahalan woke up alone in a hospital room, strapped to her bed and unable to move or speak, she had no memory of how she’d gotten there. Days earlier, she had been on the threshold of a new, adult life: at the beginning of her first serious relationship and a promising career at a major New York newspaper. Now she was labeled violent, psychotic, a flight risk. What happened?

In a swift and breathtaking narrative, Cahalan tells the astonishing true story of her descent into madness, her family’s inspiring faith in her, and the lifesaving diagnosis that nearly didn’t happen.

We look forward to a lively and engaging discussion. Participation is required.

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