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The Computer Science Colloquium is a weekly CUNY-wide event open to all students and computer scientists. It features outstanding speakers in all fields of Computer Science as well as from influential governmental and corporate institutions. Up to date information is available at
Archan Misra
Advances in Utility-Based Distributed Congestion Control Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
Department Colloquium: Forensic Analytics in Industry
Speaker: Jorick van der Hoeven, Director for People Analytics, Gartner
Department Colloquium: Cybersecurity
Approaches and Challenges in Controlling Cyber Risk – An Industry Perspective
Graduate Center Colloquium
Beyond Opening the Black Box: Operationalizing Audits and Assessments for Consequential AI
Grad Center CS Colloquium
Characterizing and optimizing workflow performance on Department of Energy (DOE) supercomputers