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You are here: Home Pre-Health Advising Pressroom Seminars 2018 04 Physical Therapist Talk- Dr. Jason Roth

Physical Therapist Talk- Dr. Jason Roth

Pre Health Organization presents Physical Therapy Speaker Session with Jason Roth. Dr. Roth is a physical therapist, practicing for 16 years. He is the co-owner and director of Evolve Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation, which is a private practice on the Upper East Side. He is a Board Certified Sports Specialist and a certified personal trainer. Dr. Roth is also the sports medicine advisor on the board of the Syosset Baseball Association, and participated in the United Stayed Olympic Committee sports medicine volunteer program. He is a great person for people interested in sports medicine to meet. He is also a Master Clinician for NYU’s physical therapy doctorate program.

  • audience::Students
When Apr 17, 2019
from 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
Hosting organization Pre-Health Advising
Speaker Dr. Jason Roth
Speaker Information Dr. Roth is a physical therapist, practicing for 16 years.
Where Hunter West 404
Contact Name Kemile Jackson
Contact Email
Contact Phone 2127725244
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