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You are here: Home Pre-Health Advising Pressroom Seminars 2019 03 Master of Science in Anesthesia Program Information Session

Master of Science in Anesthesia Program Information Session

Come and learn about the Master of Science in Anesthesia Program at Case Western Reserve University where our mission is to train the world's best anesthesiologist assistants. Certified anesthesiologist assistants, or CAAs, are well-respected members of the anesthesia care team, which is comprised of supervising anesthesiologists, anesthetists, nurses and resident physicians-in-training. CAAs work closely with anesthesiologists caring for patients from the preoperative stage through surgery, ending with postoperative recovery. Students begin their coursework each summer at our locations in Cleveland, Houston, and Washington, D.C. Each class consists of approximately 25 students, with backgrounds in areas such as biochemistry, clinical research and medical physiology.

When Mar 13, 2019
from 01:00 pm to 02:00 pm
Speaker Case Western Faculty
Speaker Information Master of Science in Anesthesia Program Case Western Reserve University
Where Hunter East 710
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