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You are here: Home Pre-Health Advising Pressroom Seminars 2024 04 PPAP 1000- Community Service 101 for Pre-Health Students - Matriculate & DOROT

PPAP 1000- Community Service 101 for Pre-Health Students - Matriculate & DOROT

When Apr 17, 2024
from 02:20 pm to 03:50 pm
Speaker Pre-Health Advising
Speaker Information Pre-Health Advising Team
Where Zoom Virtual Meeting
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Are you interested in developing your leadership skills while helping to bridge the opportunity gap among students in underinvested communities?

Join us to learn more about how you can join Matriculate and DOROT and contribute to their missions. DOROT is a nonprofit organization addressing the challenges of an aging population.

Matriculate trains college students to work one-on-one with high-achieving, low-income high school students to provide them with the information, guidance, and support that they need to apply to, gain admission to, and excel at the best colleges and universities. Being a Matriculate Advising Fellow means making a commitment to guide and support high-achieving, low-income high school students across the country as they navigate the college admissions process.

This is a required PPAP 1000 seminar for freshman Pre-Health students to open a pre-health file.

More information about this seminar…

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