When can I get advisement?
The Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology offers one Informational Session (aka, Open House) each semester for prospective students. These sessions are the only times prospective students can learn more about the curriculum and have their individual questions answered by a faculty member. Check the homepage of the Department's website for updated information about these sessions.
Faculty are frequently participating in research, teaching, clinical supervision and committee work. Because of their schedules, individual, one-one advisement is not available for non-matriculated students. Prospective students are advised to communicate with the Department via e-mail.
As a matriculated student, when am I assigned an advisor?
All first year students are assigned an advisor at the beginning of their first semester. Advisors are faculty members experienced with college and program policies, procedures, and graduate education. All students must meet at least twice each semester with their respective advisors.