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Prospective Students

The Department of Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology designed this website to answer all questions a prospective student may have. Careful review of information posted on these pages will answer all prospective students' questions.

Students matriculated in the Speech-Language Pathology curriculum are enrolled in a full time "locked" sequence of courses only. This means that part time studies are not permitted and that the same courses are not offered every semester. The curriculum is offered in a progression of courses and students can only enroll in the order in which courses are given. Full time enrollment requires up to 6 semesters of studies:

Year 1 - summer pre-enrollment of 3 credit course required for the New York State Teachers of Students with Speech-Language Disabilities (TSSLD), followed by fall, spring and summer
Year 2 - fall and spring enrollment. Students may take one extra semester of clinical practicum as well as complete the TSSLD required course if missed during year 1.

A student who falls out of the lockstep sequence will need to enroll for more semesters in order to catch up to the curriculum.

Prospective Speech-Language Pathology students will find information on these pages about:


General Information

One of the Department's goals as a graduate program is to assist those who qualify to earn a master's degree in Speech-Language Pathology. The field of Speech-Language Pathology a growth field in the areas of health care and education. See the US Department of Labor's Bureau of Statistics for more information about job outlook for speech-language pathologists

Matriculating into Speech-Language Pathology

Important information is listed here regarding the requirements to become a matriculated, degree student.

Relevant information about 2024 Admissions to the Speech-Language Pathology Program:

  • GRE exam scores continue to be an admissions requirement
  • All prerequisite courses continue to require a grade of B or better (B- and below are not acceptable for any prerequisite coursework; Pass/Fail grades are not accepted for prerequisite coursework).
  • Commencing with the Fall 2022 cohort of students, a $100 per credit academic excellence fee will be assessed. This fee is to be used for the sole purpose of enhancing departmental academic and clinic activities that affect students.
  • Credit load for the entire master's degree continues to be 68 credits.

If you are interested in the field of audiology, note that entry level to the field is the Doctor of Audiology (AuD) degree. CUNY has an AuD CUNY Consortium which includes Hunter and Brooklyn Colleges, and administered by the CUNY Graduate Center. Students interested in pursuing an AuD must apply through the Graduate Center.

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