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Appendix E

Timeline for Hunter Course Submission & Approval

Non-Permanent Courses


1.    Departments may offer courses that are non-permanent because they want to experiment with new topics and curriculum development or because they want to take advantage of a special-opportunity or event. Non-Permanent (NP) courses are subject to a number of restrictions:

a.     NP courses may be offered no more than 2 times before being submitted to full curriculum review.

b.     NP courses must be approved by a curriculum committee that is constituted according to governance procedures.

c.     NP courses cannot be offered in multiple-sections.

d.     No more than 2 NP courses per semester may be offered in any degree program (and they must not constitute more than one third of offerings in a degree program in any one semester). Beyond this limitation, a full-time faculty member who is new to Hunter College may teach up to three NP courses in an established program in his/her specialty during his/her first year at Hunter.

e.     NP courses cannot be specifically required for a degree program, but NP courses may be offered as one option in a group of required electives.

f.      The deans' offices will each send a list of all planned NP courses in their respective schools to the Hunter Senate office when submissions for the Schedule of Courses are due. A copy of each list will be forwarded to the Registrar.

g.     Members of Hunter college who need any exceptions to restrictions b, c, d, e, f above must explain their need and obtain approval from the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee or the Graduate Courses of Study & Academic Requirements Committee.

2.    All Non-Permanent courses will be clearly marked by having the letter "N" as part of their head number. The two digits before the "N" will be indicative of the level at which the course is to be offered (and may range from 10N00 to 79N00, and Doctoral 80N and 90N).

3.    To facilitate the transition to the new policy, the Registrar's Office will install for every program courses with N-head numbers (one each at the 200-, 300-, and 400-levels, and in each of the graduate levels where appropriate). In keeping with previous Senate decisions concerning experimental courses, the following titles will be automatically assigned, but may be changed by departments as befits their individual circumstances:

XXXX 20N00 : "Studies in ..."

XXXX 30N00 : "Problems in ..."

XXXX 40N00 : "Seminar Studies in ...".

These course numbers and titles will be set up before registration for the Fall semester of 2015. Departments may propose additional NP head numbers  for review if they want to offer NP courses in specific sub-categories (e.g., SANS 21N00 "Studies in Sanskrit Syntax"; SANS 22N00 "Studies in Sanskrit Phonology"). The last two digits in non-permanent numbers will be assigned by the Registrar (and may range from 01 to 99). A specific NP course for a given semester might look like this: SANS 21N01 Studies in Sanskrit Syntax: Position of the verb in compound sentences.

4.    NP courses cannot as such be used to fulfill any college requirements. Instructors can file a "Class Action Appeal" with the Senate office if they want a specific NP class to be counted towards Hunter requirements such as a "Pluralism and Diversity" category or designation as "W" or inclusion in one of the old General Education categories. NP courses cannot be counted towards the Hunter Core.  This does not apply to graduate courses. 

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