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Committee on Food Services and Facilities
Advising the administration concerning all food services at the College, including the quality, variety, prices, and presentation of the food, as well as dining facilities. An annual review of all contracted food services shall be part of the Committee's responsibility. The Committee shall also be responsible for making recommendations to the Administration on the college facilities, including but not limited to the state of classrooms and other teaching facilities, common areas, and access (including but not limited to corridors, doorways, elevators, and escalators), particularly in regard to the teaching/learning activities of the College.
Designated Voting Members
- Chair (ex-officio)
- 3 Faculty
- 2 Faculty Alternates
- 3 Students
- 2 Student Alternates
- Staff represented by the HEO Forum
- Staff not represented by the HEO Forum
Current Memberships
- Prof. Victoria Johnson, Urban Policy and Planning
- Prof. Frida Kleima, Chemistry
- Alternate, Prof. Sigmund Shipp, Urban Policy and Planning
- Alternate, Raffi Katchadourian, Computer Science
- Student, Ariel Ortega
- Staff, Ingrid Bonadie-Joseph
*subject to future ratification by the Nominating Committee and the Hunter College Senate