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Agendas and Minutes 1992-1993

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05-19-93 Minutes Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Chair Sherrill informed the Senate that he was able to testify at a hearing concerning the Goldstein Report held by the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus of the State Legislature); Due to the lack of Quorum Officer Elections were not held and the meeting adjourned.
05-12-93 Minutes President provided an update on commencement and who the speakers and honorary degree awardees will be. Committee Reports: UARC (paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 of the CR/NC Grading System carried as amended, Appendix II); UCSC (two part report on courses that will satisfy the P&D Requirement was approved).
04-28-93 Minutes Committee Reports: UARC (Revised CR/NC Grading System partially approved; Clarification of Catalogue Wording carried as amended).
04-14-93 Minutes President summarized his response to the Goldstein Report and provided updates on upcoming college events and ceremonies. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Chair reported that the Chronicle of Higher Education will publish an article on Diversity in its next issues and Hunter College will prominently feature); UARC (Cr/NCr Revised Grading System did not receive enough votes).
03-24-93 Minutes President provided an update on the responses received to the Goldstein Report from the college community and on a meeting he had with the Strategic Planning Committee. Committee Reports: Select Committee on the College Preparatory Initiative (report approved with proviso that none of the recommendations could be accepted without proper funding to each section); UARC (revised Cr/NCr Grading System postponed to next meeting).

Minutes Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (resolution to have the Administrative Committee contact all college and student governing bodies in CUNY to coordinate action regarding the Goldstein Report carried); UARC (Revised Cr/NCr Grading System postponed to next meeting).

Minutes President reported on various college issues and concluded by talking about the Goldstein Report and took questions. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Senate Standing Committees are in process of finalizing individual responses to the Goldstein Report). Senate went into a committee of the whole to discuss the Goldstein Report.

Minutes Provost reported that the new diversity requirement was unanimously approved by the CUNY Board of Trustees and the Governor's Executive Budget is not a bad one for CUNY. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Calendar Committee (1993-1994 Calendar Proposal approved, Appendix II); Administrative Committee (discussion on a resolution rejecting the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Academic Program Planning).

Minutes President report focused on the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Academic Program Planning final report. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Chair Sherrill provided a statement on the final report); Select Committee on the College Preparatory Initiative (provided a summary report of the committees activity and status of the preliminary report that CUNY's Office of Academic Affairs requested); UARC (Revised Cr/NCr Grading System carried over to next meeting).

Minutes President reported that the college has succeeded in getting a commitment from the Dormitory Authority to engage in master planning for college facilities and that a new report on CUNY academic programs and structure with recommendations that the Senate should strongly consider. Committee Reports: UARC (Revised Cr/NCr Grading System carried over to next meeting).
11-11-92 Minutes President reported on fundraising efforts and the status of the Pluralism and Diversity Requirement with the CUNY Board of Trustees. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UARC (presented revisions to the CR/NC Grading System carried over to next meeting).
10-28-92 Minutes President complimented the Senate on remarkable accomplishment of passing the Pluralism and Diversity Requirement. He reported on budget matters and the upcoming Middle States mid-cycle review. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Teacher Evaluation Committee (proposal for a revised questionnaire approved, Appendix II).
10-14-92 Minutes President provided an updated on a personnel matter and his view on a Newsday article on CUNY that was distressing. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected Chairs of the Master Plan and Budget Committees); Continued Consideration of Pluralism & Diversity Requirement Proposal (after lengthy discussion on the Introductory Paragraph and Paragraph 4 of the proposal carried as amended). The final P & D Requirement as approved, Appendix II.

Continued Consideration of Pluralism & Diversity Requirement Proposal (after lengthy discussion on Paragraph 3 of the proposal carried as amended).


President LeClerc welcomed everyone back for the start of a new academic year. His report centered on the proposed curricular changes relative to the issues of pluralism and diversity and fully endorses the proposal on behalf of the administration. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (recounted the summer meeting on the proposed P & D proposal, elected Chair of the Nominating Committee); Consideration of Pluralism & Diversity Requirement Proposal (after lengthy discussion on Paragraph 2 of the proposal carried).

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