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Documents & Links



Charter for a Governance of Hunter College (2023)

Hunter College Strategic Plan, Academic Years 2012-2020

Hunter College Strategic Plan, Academic Years 2022-2029

Hunter-L Guidelines and Protocols (May 1, 2013)


College-Wide Searches:

College-Wide Search Procedures (September 2021)


Committee Preference Form


Student Senator Application

Academic Integrity:

For the Academic Integrity website click here.

Procedures for Reporting Academic Integrity Violations


For the Title IX Syllabus Statement click here


Grade Appeals:


Related Links:

Informed Registration 3.0 Textbook Database

Hunter-l -- Listserv for topics of interest to the Hunter College community. Archives and subscription information.

PSC-CUNY -- The Professional Staff Congress is the union that represents more than 20,000 faculty and staff at CUNY.

CUNY Board of Trustees -- Responsible for the governance, maintenance and development of both senior and community colleges of The City University.

University Faculty Senate -- the faculty governance body in academic matters of university-wide concern at CUNY.

Summary & Explanation of Motions and their Priority

Parliamentary Procedure by John A. Cagle, "Toward the Good Order of the University."

Robert's Rules of Order Revised, by General Henry M. Robert, 1915 Version, Public Domain

Official Robert's Rules Website

1915 Declaration of Principles on Academic Freedom and Academic Tenure

June 2015 »
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