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Committee on Academic Assessment and Evaluation


Develop, implement, review, and approve all college policies and procedures related to academic assessment; to seek necessary support (logistical and otherwise) for the proper implementation of approved college assessment processes and policies; to coordinate with other Senate committees to ensure that all policies and procedures related to academic assessment are faculty-driven; to serve as an assessment advisory committee for academic departments and programs, and work with all relevant constituencies as needed; to inform the academic community about accreditation standards as presented by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education; and to deliver regular reports to the Hunter Senate.


Designated Voting Members

  • Chair
  • 1 full-time faculty from each division of the School of Arts and Sciences
  • 3 full-time faculty members at-large from the School of Arts and Sciences
  • 1 faculty from each of the Schools of Education, Social Work, Nursing, Health Sciences
  • 2 students-at-large from the School of Arts and Sciences
  • Director of Assessment

Ex-officio members

  • Deans of the schools of  Arts and Sciences, Social Work, Nursing, Education and Health Sciences (or their respective designees)
  • Chief Academic Officer and the Vice President of Student Affairs (or their respective designee)
  • Director of Institutional Research

Current memberships

  • Chair, Prof. Gina Riley, Special Education
  • Prof. Michael Lee, Political Science
  • Prof. Aliza Ben-Zacharia, Nursing
  • Prof. Scott Gentile, Mathematics & Statistics
  • A&S At-large Prof. Kristen Grant, Chemistry
  • A&S At-large Prof. Ian Blecher, Philosphy
  • A&S At-large Prof. Donna T. Haverty-Stacke
  • Director of Assessment, Joel Bloom
  • Alternate, Prof. Stephanie Margolin, Library
  • HEO Representative, Sarah Jeninsky, THHP
  • HEO Alternate, Jason Riffaterre, School of Education
  • Student from A&S, Melody Li
  • Student from A&S, Olivia Massey

*subject to future ratification by the Nominating Committee and the Hunter College Senate

Ex-officio members

  • Director of Institutional Research, Andrew Wallace
  • Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, Andrew Polsky
  • Dean of the School of Education, Michael Middleton
  • Dean School of Nursing, 
  • Dean of the School of Social Work, Mary Cavanaugh
  • Vice President for Student Affairs, Eija Ayravainen
  • Chief Academic Officer, or designee, Manoj Pardasani  

*subject to future ratification by the Nominating Committee and the Hunter College Senate

Reports to the Senate



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