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Committee on Academic Freedom


To monitor, examine and report annually to the Senate on the status of academic freedom at the college; to make appropriate recommendations regarding academic freedom policies and practices to the college's governance bodies and, as appropriate, through those bodies to the University Faculty Senate; to investigate possible violations of academic freedom. 


In order to ensure a secure and protected environment for individuals who wish to bring cases of abridgement of academic freedom before the committee, such charges will be examined by a subcommittee of two members chosen by the committee chair in consultation with the rest of the committee.  In addition, the committee chair shall be recused from serving on the subcommittee.


Designated Voting Members

  • Chair
  • 1 Faculty member from each of the divisions
  • 1 Faculty member from the School of Social Work 
  • 1 Faculty member from the Library
  • 1 Faculty member at-large
  • 1 member of the HEO staff
  • 2 students
  • 2 Faculty alternates
  • 1 HEO alternate
  • 2 Student alternates


  • Provost

Current membership

  • Prof.Allen Frei, Geography (Chair)
  • Prof. Ming-Chin Yeh, Nutrition
  • Faculty from the Library, Prof. Hal Grossman
  • At-Large, Prof. Frank Kirkland, Philosophy
  • Alternate,Prof. John Carey, Library
  • HEO Staff, Sarah Jeninsky, THHP
  • Student, Ariadna Pavlidis-Sanchez
  • Student, Anastasia Villarreal 
  • Provost or Designee, Manoj Pardasani 

*subject to future ratification by the Nominating Committee and the Hunter College Senate

Reports to the Senate



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