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General Education Requirements Committee


Develop, review, and approve all college policies and procedures pertaining to the general education program (including related graduation requirements) and curriculum; determine course approval guidelines for courses to be included in general education; review and make recommendations about such proposals; lead and coordinate periodic review of courses in general education; devise programmatic assessment for general education; receive and review programmatic assessment data and make recommendations on the basis thereof; encourage and facilitate faculty participation in general education curriculum develop­ment and teaching; advise the administration on matters of implementation of general education requirements as passed by the Senate; collaborate with other Senate committees, especially Undergraduate Course of Study and the Committee on Academic Assessment and Evaluation, to ensure that all policies and procedures related to general education are faculty-driven; and deliver regular reports to the Hunter Senate.


Designated Voting Members

  • 1 full-time faculty member from each division of the School of Arts and Sciences
  • 3 full-time faculty members at-large from the School of Arts and Sciences
  • 1 full-time faculty member from each of the professional schools with undergraduate degree programs
  • 2 students-at-large
  • Associate Dean/Associate Provost for General Education
  • The Chair, who shall be a full-time faculty member elected by the voting membership of the Senate

Ex-officio members

  • Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences
  • Provost (or designee)
  • The Director of Assessment
  • Chair of the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee (or designee)
  • Chair of the Committee on Academic Assessment and Evaluation (or designee)
  • Registrar (or designee)

Current memberships

  • Chair, Prof. Larry Kowerski, Classical and Oriental Studies
  • Prof. Lisa Marie Anderson*, German
  • Prof. Lina Newton, Political Science 
  • Prof. Mark Bobrow, English
  • Prof. Lazaro Lima, AFPRL
  • Prof. Nadine Bryce, Curriculum & Teaching
  • Prof. Wendy Vaughon, UPH 
  • General Education, Prof. Sandra Clarkson
  • Alternate, Prof. Stephanie Margolin, Library
  • Student At-large, Yuval Guetta
  • Student At-large, Antisar Saeed
  • Student Alternate, Tatiana Callirgos


  • Dean of the School of Arts and Science, Dean Andrew Polsky
  • Provost, Manoj Pardasani  
  • Director of Assessment, Joel Bloom
  • Chair of the UCSC, Prof. Jeanne Weiler/Prof. Stefan Schlussman
  • Chair of Academic Assessment & Evaluation, Gina Riley
  • Registrar or designee, Alicia Bragg
  • Director of Advising Services, Nikole Feliciano

Reports to the Senate




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