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Master Plan Committee


This committee will be the general College development planning group, con­cern­ing itself with the priorities that affect long term projections as regards programs and facilities.  It will make policy recom­mendations on these matters for adoption by the Senate, and it will be responsible for drafting the annual revision of the Hunter College portion in the CUNY Master Plan, submit­ting such draft for approval to the Senate.


Designated Voting Members

  • Chair
  • 1 Faculty from each division
  • 1 Faculty from the School of Social Work
  • 3 Students
  • 3 Student Alternates


  • Chief of Academic Officer
  • Vice President for Administration or designee

Current Memberships

  • Chair, Prof. Nancy Eng, SLPA
  • Prof. Andrea Baden, Anthropology 
  • Prof. Yujia Xu, Chemistry
  • Prof. Nicora Placa, Curriculum & Teaching
  • Prof. Michelle MacRoy-Higgins, SLPA
  • Prof. George Patterson, School of Social Work
  • Alternate, Khursheed Navder, Nutrition
  • Student, Nourhan Ibrahim
  • Student, Nicole Palmetto
  • Student Alternate, Michelle Ma
  • Student Alternate, Ariadna Pavlidis-Sanchez 
  • Chief Academic Officer, Manoj Pardasani

*subject to future ratification by the Nominating Committee and the Hunter College Senate

December 2021 »
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