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Special Advisory Committee on Academic Functions at Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute (RHAC)


Advising with respect to a mission statement for Roosevelt House, and a plan for its governance and programs.


Designated Voting Membership

  • Chair
  • Provost
  • 1 faculty member from each of the three professional schools (Education, Social Work, Health Professions)
  • 1 faculty member from the following depart­ments of the School of Arts & Sciences: Urban Affairs & Planning, Political Science, Economics, History,  Philosophy, Sociology.
  • 2 faculty at-large
  • 2 students
  • The Chair shall be a faculty member elected by the member­ship of the committee.

Current memberships

  • Chair, Prof. Jonathan Rosenberg, History
  • School of Education, Prof. Ellen Trief
  • School of Social Work, Prof. Mimi Abramowitz
  • Urban Affairs & Planning, Prof. John Chin
  • Political Science, Prof. Lina Newton
  • Philosophy, Prof. Omar Dahbour
  • Sociology, Prof. Nancy Foner
  • At-large, Jennifer Samson, Special Education
  • At-large, Prof. William Solecki, Geography
  • Provost, Valeda Dent/Bruce Payne
  • Jonathan Fanton / Fay Rosenfeld
June 2019 »
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