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Evening Council Committee


A.    To develop and recommend to the President of Hunter College required improvements in the sup­porting serv­ices (library, busi­ness office, registrar, etc.) during the evening hours.

B.    To provide the Administrative Committee of the College Senate with agenda items of concern to the Evening Council that are not the responsibility of other Senate commit­tees.

C.    To identify, review, and give focus to mat­ters of interest to the evening students and faculty, with the right to express itself as an advisory body on these matters and to transmit its recom­mendations to the cog­ni­zant authorities.


Designated Voting Members

  • Chair
  • 1 Faculty member from each divisions
  • 2 Faculty members from the divisions serving at-large who teach a course(s) in the evening
  • 1 Faculty member from the Library
  • 2 Students
  • 2 Student Alternates who take a course(s) in the evening


  • Director of Evening Student Services
  • Registrar
  • Director of Admissions
  • Director of Financial Aid
  • Evening Affairs Commissioner of the Undergraduate Student Government

Current memberships

  • Chair, Prof. Janet Neary, Philosophy
  • Prof. Michael Perna, Romance Languages
  • At-large, Prof. Hannah Alcasid, Library


  • Director of Evening Student Services
  • Registrar, Christine Sampson
  • Acting Director of Admissions, Lori Janowski (acting)
  • Director of Financial Aid, Kan Yee Man
June 2023 »
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