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Agendas and Minutes 2017-2018




Agendas and Minutes

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May 16, 2018 Agenda, Minutes Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Senate Meeting Schedule Fall 2018/Spring 2019, College Calendar for Fall 2018/Spring 2019, Ceremonial Adoption of Candidates for Graduation, Election of Senate Officers - Chair of the Senate, Vice Chair of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate and Chair of the Evening Council of the Senate); Committee on General Education Requirements Appeals (Report on the Committee's work); Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on the Y grade policy - approved); Committee on General Education and Academic Assessment and Evaluation  (Update on the Committees' work); Proposal to Establish the Program in Public Policy (Failed).
May 9, 2018 Agenda, Minutes Ombuds Office Report; Committee Reports: Ad Hoc Committee on the Governance of Programs and Interdisciplinary Structures; Committee on the Budget; Committee on Governance (Introduction of the Resolution on Non-CCE Full Time Lecturer Voting Rights).
May 2, 2018 Agenda, Minutes Report on the Middle States Evaluation; Committee Report: Committee on Academic Freedom (Report on the Committee's work this semester); Continued discussion on Resolution regarding Senate Administrative Procedure (The Resolution to Revise the Voting Procedures for Search Committee Nominees to Include Vote Count in Senate Minutes approved).
April 18, 2018 Agenda, Minutes Committee Reports: Committee on Governance (motion to table the Bylaws of the Thomas Hunter Honors Program), Committee on Student Success (Report on Early Alert Pilot Fall 2017), Administrative Committee (Introduction of the Resolution on Gun Violence Research); Introduction of the Resolution regarding Senate Administrative Procedure.
March 28, 2018 Agenda, Minutes Report by the President; Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Introduction of the Resolution on Gun Violence Research), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Revised WU Grade Definition approved); Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Presentation by the Director of Public Safety on the Protocol for Active Shooter Situations; Remarks on Course Reduction Agreement.
March 14, 2018 Agenda, Minutes Committee Reports: Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Distribution and Discussion of Revised WU Grade Definition), Senate Student Caucus (Report on the Committee's work and initiatives).
February 28, 2018 Agenda, Minutes Report by the President; Committee Reports: Committee on Computing and Technology (Report on the Committee's work), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations); Framework for the Assessment of General Education (approved); Presentation by the Deputy Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment on the Excelsior scholarship.
February 14, 2018 Agenda, Minutes Committee Report: Committee on General Education and Committee on Academic Assessment & Evaluation (Report Regarding a Framework for the Assessment of General Education); Report and Resolution Regarding Institutional Learning Outcomes (The Statement of Institutional Learning Outcomes approved).
January 31, 2018 Agenda, Minutes
Report by the President; Continued discussion on Institutional Learning Outcomes.
December 6, 2017 Agenda, Minutes This meeting was cancelled.
November 29, 2017 Agenda, Minutes
Report by the President; Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (List of candidates for diplomas and degrees), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations); Revised Statement of Institutional Learning Outcomes; Credit by Exam (Classical & Oriental Studies department allowed to grant credit for the Jerusalem Examination).
November 8, 2017 Agenda, Minutes Report by the President; Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Results for Nominees for Search Committee for Provost), Ad-hoc Committee on the Governance of Programs and Interdisciplinary Structures (Report on the Committee's work), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations); Open Discussion on Hunter College Institutional Learning Outcomes.
October 25, 2017 Agenda, Minutes Committees Reports: Administrative Committee (Election of Ombudsman Officer, Election of Nominees for Search Committee for Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on Credit/ No Credit Policy); Committee on General Education & Committee on Academic Assessment & Evaluation (Report on the Committees' work); Report of the College Ombudsman on the cases presented to the Ombudsman Office during the academic years 2012-2017; Resolution to Protect and Support DACA Students at Hunter (approved); Resolution by the Faculty Delegate Assemble (FDA) outlining concerns with current practices at the college regarding the position of Distinguished Lecturers.
October 11, 2017 Agenda, Minutes Resolution of appreciation for Daniel Cherubin, former Dean of the Library at Hunter College; Committees Reports: Administrative Committee (Reminder regarding Election of Ombudsman Officer and the Establishment of Search Committee for Provost), Committee on General Education (Update on the Committee's work), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Departmental Governance Committee (Report on the Revised By-Laws of the Department of English); Report by the Provost on the Middle States evaluation.
September 27, 2017 Agenda, Minutes Administrative Committee Report (Reminder regarding Election of Ombudsman Officer and the Establishment of Search Committee for Provost); Continued discussion on the Resolution to Protect and Support DACA Students at Hunter.
September 13, 2017 Agenda, Minutes Report by the President; Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Announcement of the election of the College Ombudsman, Election of Committee Chairs), Select Committee on Student Success (Presentation on the new Early Alter System), GER Appeals Committee (Report on the current appeals process and cases received last year), Select Committee on Honors (Resolution to Extend the Select Committee on Honors approved), Ad-hoc Committee on Hiring Practices (Report on the Committee's work); Election of Faculty Members for Appeals Committee for Student Complaints; Introduction of the Resolution to Protect and Support DACA Students at Hunter.
August 30, 2017 Agenda, Minutes This meeting was cancelled.

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