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Agendas and Minutes 1988-1989

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Continuation of the 4-26 Meeting

Committee Reports: Charter Review Committee (continuation of the second reading of proposed amendments); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); GARC (revised regulations concerning “INC” grades carried as amended). Agenda changed to allow Provost Beaujour to present information on Special Academic Procedures for Spring 1989, Appendix IV.Prof. Carter presented resolution commending President Paul LeClerc for his enlightened leadership during the student and faculty protest to the budget carried.


Continuation of the 4-26 Meeting:

Chair recommended that agenda be changed by postponing normal business to the following Wednesday then yielded to the President. President LeClerc reported current Provost/Dean searches, commencement, the student strike, and budget matters. Prof. Carter presented a resolution to not penalize faculty, staff, or students who participated in the current strike and to encourage faculty to establish procedures to allow students to complete their academic work for the semester carried as amended.


President LeClerc's report focused on the budget and possible tuition increases. Committee Reports: Charter Review Committee (second reading of proposed charter amendments).


President LeClerc thanked the Senate Office and Renate Murray the response that Hunter made to the proposed budget. He reported on the measles outbreak and two students who won prestigious awards. Committee Reports: Charter Review Committee (first reading of proposed amendments); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); GARC (discussion on resolution to abolish AB (absent) grade starting for the Fall 1989 semester); Departmental Governance Committee (approved revised bylaws of the Department of Educational Foundations and Counseling Programs, Lengthy discussion took place on bylaws for Women’s Studies Program which were returned to the committee).

02-22-89 Minutes

President reported on budget, Provost/Dean searches, and four important task forces that he empaneled, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved the Search Committee for Dean of the School of Social Work); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).


President reported on the Capital Budget, Mellon Foundation Grant, and the Governor’s Proposed Budget Cuts, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Calendar Committee (Bell Schedule for a 15-week semester carried, Appendix IV).

11-23-88 Minutes

President LeClerc reported on the current state budget situation and how it will impact Hunter College and the CUNY System. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (presented Procedures for Dean of Social Sciences and held election of Chair and Member panels, Appendix III). New Business: a resolution from Mr. Guy Conti calling for the Hunter College Senate to oppose any raise in tuition and encourage faculty to cooperate with students who wish to attend demonstrations carried.

11-09-88 Minutes

President reported on the Provost Search, creation of a college-wide AIDS task force and Middle States exit interview.Committee Reports: Calendar Committee (after lengthy discussion the 1989-1990 14-week calendar was approved, Appendix III); Committee on the Evaluation of Teaching (presented a progress report).

10-12-88 Minutes

President LeClerc reported that his term formally started on September 1st but beforehand spoke with the different stake holders of the college to learn quickly about the college. He laid out his ten ambitious goals for the next several years, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Procedures for Electing Search Committee for Provost and Election of Chair and Member panels and for Chairs of theNominating, Budget, and Master Plan Committees’ were held); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies). Old Business: Professor Jack Caravanos presented a report on environmental health and safety issues at Hunter College.

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