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Contains recent news items relevant to Hunter's CS Department.

 Title   Type 
News Item Xie Lab Develops New Deep Learning Model News Item
News Item WiCS Spring 2021 Open House News Item
News Item Team from Hunter has paper accepted at ICSE 2021 News Item
News Item Congrats to Dr. Alexey Nikolaev! News Item
News Item Drs. Stamos & Shen Develop Novel 3D Detection System News Item
News Item ACM CUNY Women in Computing Event News Item
News Item Epstein Lab Has Paper Accepted to ICAPS21 News Item
News Item SIGGRAPH BoF Session Organized by Prof. Oyekoya News Item
News Item Upcoming ACM's SIGCSE Session Hosted by Prof. Weiss News Item
News Item Prof. Oyekoya Awarded NSF REU Grant in Immersive 3D Visualization News Item
News Item Summer Course Registration Opens Today News Item
News Item Spring Recess Starts Tomorrow News Item
News Item Doctoral Student Yiming Tang Awarded Postdoctoral Fellowship in Canada News Item
News Item Hunter Team Advances in ICPC News Item
News Item Prof. Levitan awarded 2020-2021 Brown Institute Grant News Item
News Item Katherine Howitt Awarded UMd Flagship Fellowship News Item
News Item New Results from Lei Lab News Item
News Item Prof. Epstein Hosts AI Panel News Item
News Item Codefest 2021 Held in January News Item
News Item Software Engineer Internships 101 Workshop on 4/21 News Item
News Item WiCS Hosts Website Building Workshop on 4/22 News Item
News Item Developer Student Club Hosts Workshops News Item
News Item Fall Registration Begins 4 May News Item
News Item CS Major Ajani Stewart Awarded MIT Research Scholar Position News Item
News Item Junior Kyra Abbu to Oscar Health & MIT News Item
News Item CS Major Nga Yu Lo Accepts Harvard Summer Internship News Item
News Item Advisor Amanda Bell Joins CSTA News Item
News Item Congrats to Dr. Di He, Dr. Raj Korpan, and Dr. Yiming Tang! News Item
News Item Raj Korpan featured in GC Dissertation Showcase News Item
News Item Welcome Back Professor Sakas News Item
News Item CS major and Macaulay Honors Program graduate Anton Goretsky joins University of Maryland Ph.D program in Computer Science this Fall. News Item
News Item Prof. Raja chairs “AI Research for Undergraduates” workshop at CMD/ACM TAPIA’21. News Item
News Item Prof. Khatchadourian Receives IEEE SCAM 2021 Distinguished Reviewer Award News Item
News Item Prof. Khatchadourian Receives distinguished reviewer award at GPCE ’21 News Item
News Item Columbia University-Hunter College Research Team Wins 1 of 7 Prizes of NIH NICHD “Decoding Maternal Morbidity” Challenge News Item
News Item Tatiana Castro Velez Selected to 2022 CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women News Item
News Item Warren Ball to attend Microsoft Research Data Science Summer School News Item
News Item Hunter CSCI Profs. Khatchadourian and Raja receive three-year NSF-SHF research grant News Item
News Item CSCI PhD candidate Xiaojie Zhang submits thesis proposal News Item
News Item Fall registration - reminder and links News Item
News Item Professor William Sakas returns as chair News Item
News Item Hunter faculty elected to committees at the CUNY Graduate Center News Item
News Item Hunter College Doubles CS Graduates News Item
News Item Professor Raja elected to the AAAI Executive Council News Item
News Item Welcome back! — and important information for the fall News Item
News Item Subhadarshi Panda completes dissertation News Item
News Item Professor Khatchadourian visits Tokyo Tech for JSPS BRIDGE Fellowship News Item
News Item Welcome back Professors Zamfirescu, Xie, and Dietrich! News Item
News Item Students and faculty undertake grant-funded robotic farming News Item
News Item Hunter CSCI hosts VR-REU, a new NSF-funded program to broaden participation in computing News Item
News Item Prepare your shopping carts; Spring registration opens soon! News Item
News Item Professor Susan Epstein opens AAAI Fall Symposium on cognitive theories in AI News Item
News Item Two exciting course offerings for Spring 2023 News Item
News Item Alumni Interview Series: Ajani Stewart – Postbaccalaureate Researcher, MIT News Item
News Item Alumni Interview Series: Owen Kunhardt – Software Engineer, Google News Item
News Item Professor Anita Raja elected as AAAI Senior Member News Item
News Item Alumni Interview Series: Sarah Mathew – Graduate Student and Research Assistant, Georgia Tech News Item
News Item Hunter Students attend MIT's Quantitative Methods Workshop News Item
News Item Professor Anita Raja receives CUNY Research Planning Grant News Item
News Item Yiming Tang to commence tenure-track Assistant Professorship at RIT News Item
News Item Isabel Stec earns John P. McNulty Scholarship News Item
News Item Interdisciplinary team receives $20MM from NSF to develop AI Institute, ARNI; Professor Sarah Ita Levitan will be senior personnel on the grant News Item
News Item Prof. Debroy Wins Google Research Award in Cybersecurity! News Item
News Item CSCI PhD Candidate Presented Paper at ASE 23! News Item
News Item Prof Stamos and PhD Student Paper Accepted to IROS 2023! News Item
News Item Prof. Sarah Ita Levitan Secures Google Research Award in Cyber Security! News Item
News Item Prof. Raffi Khatchadourian awarded NSF grant to further his research. News Item
News Item Congratulations to Prof. Debroy for the new NSF award! News Item
News Item Georgina Woo and Emily Klapper earn John P. McNulty Scholarship News Item
News Item CyberNYC Initiative awards Prof. Sarah Ita Levitan another year of funding. News Item
News Item The Computer Science Department seeks Department Chair! News Item
News Item New Robots for the TIER Lab! News Item
News Item PhD student Nan Jia, first author on IJCAI 2024 AI Safety workshop pape News Item
News Item Undergraduate CS students present at the STEM+ Research Conference News Item
News Item Justin Gbadamassi is co-author on IJCAI 2024 workshop on AI for Critical Infrastructure News Item
News Item Professor Raja serves at the 2023 CISE Committee of Visitors News Item