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Senate Committees

All members of the Hunter community are eligible to participate on Senate committees. It is not necessary to be a senator in order to serve on a committee. Most committees have seats designated for students.

Standing committees of the Senate are defined in the charter. Additionally, the body may create, by resolution, select committees to address particular concerns or initiatives. Membership and contact information is provided below, however, all business for the committees should be routed through the Senate office:

To learn more about a particular committee, click on the link below. To request to be added to a committee, please complete the form here. Scheduled committee meetings are listed in our Events section.


Committee Committee Chair Members Meets
Undergraduate Course of Study CO-CHAIRS Prof. Stefan Schlussman
& Prof. Jeanne Weiler
Members Twice Monthly
Undergraduate Academic Requirements Prof. Kirsten Grant
Members Once a month
Graduate Course of Study and Academic Requirements

CO-CHAIRS Prof. Sandra Clarkson

Prof. Peggy Chen

Members Twice Monthly
Student Standing Committee (Faculty Only) Prof. Sandra Clarkson Members Twice annually
Committee on Evaluation of Teaching Hunter Moran Members Several times per semester
Committee on the Budget Prof. Randall Filer
Members Several times annually
Grade Appeals Committee Prof. Jason Wirtz Members As necessary
General Education Requirements Appeals Prof. Jennifer Gaboury
Members As necessary
Master Plan Commitee Nancy Eng Members Several times per semester
The Governance Committee Prof. Sarah Chinn
Members As necessary
Committee on the Library

CO-CHAIRS Prof. Mike Benediktsson 

Prof. Sarah Ward

Members Several times per semester
Committee on the Calendar vacant Members Annually
Nominating Committee Prof. Rupal Oza, WGS Members As necessary
Charter Review Committee Prof. Julie Van Peteghem Members As necessary
Computing & Technology Committee vacant Members Several times per semester
Committee on Academic Freedom Prof. Allan Frei
Members Several times per semester
Select Committee on Student Success Joseph Fantozzi Members Bi-weekly
Select Committee on Academic Assessment & Evaluation Prof. Gina Riley
Members Several times per semester
Committee on General Education

Prof. Lawrence Kowerski

Members Several times per semester
Committee on Services and Facilities vacant Members Several times per semester
Special Advisory Committee on Academic Functions at Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute Prof. Jonathan Rosenberg Members As necessary


January 2015 »
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