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Agendas and Minutes 1972-1973

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5-22-73 Minutes Resolution carried permitting the use of raw data for teaching evaluations for research by a Hunter professor. Charter Review Committee nomination slate presented; included committee chairpersons; elections conducted by secret ballot. Election of the new Administrative Committee (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary) by secret ballot except when uncontested; all nominations from the floor. Nominations for chair included a dean, who declined. Committee reports: UCSC (curriculum approvals), GCSARC (curriculum approvals), joint report of UARC and Student Standing (criteria for awarding AP credit and related policies; motions carried). Motion carried to require minimum proficiency examinations in reading, writing, and math (Appendix II).
5-7-73 Minutes Committee reports: UCSC (curriculum approvals, including experimental courses); GCSARC (curriculum approvals); Student Standing (approval of list of graduates). Report by Special Committee on Sessional Equality (eight motions carried relating to funding, merging budgets, extending evening services, and providing advising and major courses for evening students). Discussion of use of raw data from teaching evaluations; clarification that all policies concerning teaching evaluations are the responsibility of the Senate and that the Provost’s office provides administrative assistance with distribution and collection.
Minutes Created a Special Committee on Honor Societies. Committee reports: Joint report of UARC and Student Standing (course repeat rules for grade replacement carried); UCSC (curriculum approvals); Departmental Governance (Urban Affairs bylaws approved with qualifications concerning the Joint Policy Committee).
Minutes Overflow meeting. Announcement of a general faculty resolution to require proficiency examinations for all students (in response to the Council of Presidents’ proposal to allow CUNY AAS degree-holders to bring a minimum of 64 credits to apply to a BA at a senior college). Motion carried to refer the matter to an appropriate Senate committee. Special Committee on Registration named. Joint presentation by UARC and Student Standing on the AAS transfer matter; a resolution carried unanimously calling on the Board of Higher Education to reject the AAS proposal of the Council of Presidents, and calling for review of articulation agreements and development of suitable BS degrees at senior colleges. UARC and Student Standing presented alternatives to the CR/NC/Honors system. Alternative B (in Appendix II) ultimately passed. Ad Hoc Committee on the Calendar reported with resolutions on the calendar, including moving the final week of classes and the exam period for the fall semester to precede the holiday recess (a change). Formal challenge by the Evening Session for the calendar to remain as it is and continue to be studied; Evening Session motion carried.
Minutes Ombudsman election conducted in multiple rounds without a clear winner. Committee reports: Nominating (committee vacancies filled; resolutions carried on holding special elections for vacated seats in the Senate and on committees); Ad Hoc Committee on Senate Attendance (resolutions carried on: giving student senators first priority status for registration, giving faculty senators teaching schedules that allow them to attend; creating a new senator orientation seminar; requiring 10 days prior notice to meetings for all Senate business; and designating Tuesdays between 4 pm and 6:30 pm as regular Senate meeting time; resolution on setting the calendar of meetings defeated).
2-13-73 Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved resolution creating alumni spots on Senate); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UARC (approved resolution allowing the TTT Program to admit up to 50 students each year); UCSC (approved credit requirement for the BS in Home Economics). New Business: approved resolution to create a special committee to review registration procedures.

Minutes Press conference statement that the Day Session Student Government would publish the teaching evaluations in booklet form for each student to have a personal copy. Efforts to delay publication, prohibit it, or assume responsibility for it were all unsuccessful. Committee reports: UARC (dean’s list criteria); UCSC and GCSCAR (curriculum reports published separately beginning at this time; oral reports of corrections); Student Standing (approval of list of graduates).
12-4-72 Minutes Presentation of the calendar with discussion of priority registration for student senators so that they may plan to attend meetings. UARC and Student Standing charges clarified. Opened election for members of Charter Review. Open nominations for Ombudsman. Resolution on use of raw data from teaching evaluations brought by the Administrative Committee. Minutes of 12-19-72 reflect correction to these minutes that this motion passed. Presentation of resolutions of the Evening Council on the calendar. Teaching Evaluation Committee brought a resolution that carried concerning distribution of teaching evaluation data to student government groups.
11-21-72 Minutes Committee reports: Nominating (election of additional committee members); defeat of a motion to award certificates of recognition for service to the Senate; resolution on allocation of alumni seats deferred; discussion of attendance problems and possible resolution on impeachment for repeated absences (matter referred to the Administrative Committee); Departmental Governance (approval of bylaws for Sociology); motion carried to charge the Administrative Committee with interpreting the Charter on matters pertaining to duties of the Ombudsman.
11-06-72 Minutes Committee reports: Nominating (members for committees elected); Teaching Evaluation (motion carried adopting revised common questionnaire).
10-30-72 Minutes Continuation of discussion of 5-30-72 UARC report on timing of CR/NC/Honors options. Committee reports: UCSC (including interdisciplinary program in Environmental Science Studies; and interdisciplinary course sequence in ‘The Purposes of the University’); GCSARC (including several BA/MA degrees and multi-department initiatives); Departmental Governance (deferral on bylaws for Institute of Health Science and Sociology; approval of bylaws for departments of English, Black and Puerto Rican Studies, and Academic Skills); Motion carried to create Departmental Governance as a standing committee of the Senate.
10-5-72 Minutes Further discussion of the report by UARC and status of the motions offered 5-30-72. Discussion of parliamentary procedures pertaining to dividing motions and reconsideration of motions. Business unfinished due to scheduling conflict in the meeting venue, the Playhouse.
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