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Agendas and Minutes 2003-2004

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President thanked everyone who participated in the discussion on the restructuring of the School of Arts and Sciences and will review the final report over the summer. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected Senate Officers and approved meeting schedule); Committee on Computing and Technology (presented a progress report); UARC (presented four resolutions on the CPE; resolutions B, C, and D approved).


Committee Reports: Special Advisory Committee on the Structure of the School of Arts and Sciences (approved the final report); UARC (approved course credit rule and course withdrawal policy, Appendix II & III).


Committee Reports: Middle States Periodic Review (Senate went into Committee of the Whole to discuss); UARC (approved edits to the Undergraduate Catalogue, Appendix II; approved resolution clarifying transfer policy for non-degree student). New Business: approved resolution on the displeasure of the CUNY Master Plan not being made available to the CUNY community.


President and Provost gave a joint report on the periodic review report and the physical master plan. Committee Reports: Special Advisory Committee on the Structure of the School of Arts and Sciences (presented interim report); Senate moved into a Committee of the Whole to discuss.


President and staff gave a PowerPoint presentation on the new Scholarship Tracking and Reporting System (STARS), Appendix II. Committee Reports: Calendar Committee (approved revised bell schedule, Appendix III); Teacher Evaluation Committee (approved resolution calling got the change in how questionnaires are distributed); UCSC (approved addition of language the GER Foreign Language Requirement).

03-24-04 No agenda
This meeting was cancelled.


President introduced new Dean of the School of Social Work and reported on communications efforts to students and faculty through e-bulletins. Director of Safety Mader reported on recent burglaries and crime prevention. Committee Reports: UARC (presented two part report, Appendix III).


Vice President Ayravainen presented detailed overview of current student affairs initiatives. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved resolution to endorse college’s membership with the Workers’ Rights Consortium).

02-11-04 Minutes

President reported on the Arts and Sciences Restructuring Project, CUNY master plan, and the proposed budget. Vice President Zinnanti reported on campus safety and technology issues. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved Special Advisory Committee on the Structure of the School of Arts and Sciences and Select Committee on Academic Integrity); Resolution passed opposing CUNY Board of Trustee policy that will allow students who take e-permit course to have the course calculated in their home college GPA.


President reported CUNY Capital Budget and structure of the School of Arts and Sciences. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UARC (provided a progress report on what the committee has been reviewing). The Senate dissolved into a Committee of the Whole to discuss the report.

No agenda
This meeting was cancelled.


President gave a PowerPoint presentation on Hunter Colleges Performance Goals for 2003-2004, Appendix II. Vice President Ayravainen reported on the requirement that all colleges notify students about meningitis and what it does to individuals and that they return a form that they have been notified. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved creation of Select Committee on First Year Experience); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).


President reported on and introduced new administrative hires. Provost reported on the Outcomes Assessment Taskforce and mandates Middle States periodic review report. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

No agenda
This meeting was cancelled.


President reported on the ribbon cutting ceremony at the new Hunter College collaborative High School. Vice President Zinnanti reported on the Ombudsman’s report relating to Human Resources and side walk construction that will disrupt traffic in and out of Thomas Hunter Hall. There was continued discussion on the Ombudsman’s report from the last meeting.

09-10-03 Minutes

President reported on the hire of 49 new faculty members despite the budget pressures and that enrollment is doing well and growing each year. Vice President Zinnanti reported technology improvements and the findings of the sub-committee on food service. Vice President Ayravainen reported on the new 2-day orientation for new freshmen and transfer students and the institution of a new system that will ask all community members to help with recruiting students. Ombudsman presented an overview report of issues that he faced while serving in the role, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected standing committee chairs).

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