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Agendas and Minutes 1998-1999

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Meeting Agendas


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05-19-99 Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected Senate Officers); Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement (presented progress report, Appendix III); Select Committee on Pluralism and Diversity (presented progress report, Appendix IV).

05-12-99 Minutes

Committee Reports: UARC (resolution limiting Enrollment of SEEK Students On Probation approved).

04-28-99 Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (accepted procedures and elected Chair and Member Panels for the Director of OICIT Search).


Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (amended College-wide Search Procedures to add Director of OICIT approved); Senate went into a quasi-Committee of the Whole to discuss the video presentation on Fostering a Scholarship of Teaching and later passed a resolution for a call for abstracts and papers reflecting Hunter's history on the subject.


Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (university-wide calendar submitted for Senates information); UARC (Resolution Changing Minimum GPA for Graduation with Honors approved; Procedures for Withdrawing from Courses that Result in a W Grade approved).


Vice President of Administration Tyburzey provided an updated to the Senate. Committee Reports: Master Plan Committee (resolution focusing on the expansion of the 68th Street Campus for research and teaching lab amended and approved).


President Caputo presented the Forth State of the College Address. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Informed the Senate that the new policy approved by the Board of Trustees to phase out remediation will affect Hunter in the Fall of 2000); Provost Gizis provided data concerning the projected impact the new policy would have on Hunter College.


Committee Reports: Charter Review Committee (informed the Senate of changes made to the amendments worked out with 80th Street before being submitted to the Board of Trustees); Master Plan Committee (presented draft letter to be sent to President Caputo).


Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved Recommended Voting Procedures and elected the Chair and Member Panels for the Search for Dean of the School of Education; approved the creation of a Select Committee on Student Life, Advising, and Retention); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

11-04-98 Minutes

Acting Dean of Research Prof. Goldsmith reported on the college’s research initiatives and grants received. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Recommended Procedures for Electing Search Committee for Dean of Research and elected Chair and Member Panel); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

10-21-98 Minutes

Vice President of Institutional Advancement Timothy Harwood presented an overview of the Office of Institutional Advancement and the responsibilities of each area under it. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (report on the expansion of the Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement approved); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).


Vice President Fisherman provided an annual update on Student Affairs. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved Procedures for the Electing the Search Committee for Provost and held elections for Chair and Member Panels).


President and Provost provided updates. Committee Reports: Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement (resolution concerning transfer credit evaluation process was approved as amended).

Minutes Committee Reprots: Administrative Committee (elected chairs of standing committees); Senate dissolved into a quasi-Committee of the Whole to discuss the Resolution on Remediation Policies.

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