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Agendas and Minutes 1976-1977

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Minutes The Ombudsman gave an itemized report on the various concerns that faculty and students came to him with. Election of Senate Administrative Committee for the 1977-1978 Academic Year took place. Committee Reports: UARC (grade appeal procedure amendments).
Minutes Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (Resolution was presented to claify committee service limits); UARC (A resolution was presented on remedial course credit. After extensive discussion and amendments the resolution was approved); Committee on Departmental Governance (approved departmental bylaws).
Minutes Committee Reports: Committee on Teacher Evaluations (resolution presented to extend the use of the current questionnaire for one more semester was passed); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies, presented a resolution on committee service limits and when the Nominating Committee needs to be elected); English Composition Proficiency Committee (Presented Provost Schneewind's amendment to paragrah V of the committee report from 5-25-76. After length disscussion and amendments it was approved).
Minutes Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Ad-hoc Commitee for Review of Student Recruitment Practices (presented resolution to extend the review to five years passed by hand vote); English Composition Proficlency Committee (presented an amendment to resolution passed on 5-25-76 to remove a potentially troublesome ambiguity. Guidelines for Determining Deficiency in Writing were presented and passed by hand vote); Nominating Committee (Resolution changing the length of services presented and passed by the body).
4-12-77 Minutes President reported to the Senate about the various committeee recommendations recieved on the administrative structure of the college. Taking into account the concerns of these group it was announced that a net administrative cut of $200,000 wil be realized with a transfer of functions that were under adminitration to Student Services. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Coordinating Committee for College Restructuring (presented four resolutions to the body. After extensive discussion and amendments, resolutions 2, 3, and 4 were accepted).
3-22-77 Minutes Committee Reports: UCSC (approved curricular matters, and presented information report on the College Catalouge); Budget Committee (report as corrected and amended is in Appendix III); Coordinating Committee for College Restructuring (extensive disscussion and debate concering committee findings and recommendations was not approved).
Minutes Provost reported to the Senate on the current state of the college regarding space and classroom problems. Report by the Ombudsman had two parts: The first was regarding student complaints that are mostly centered around grade appeals and financial aid matters. The second matter was after meeting with the Provost, College Counsel, and PSC Grievance Officer guidelines to avoid conflict with grievence procedures will be developed. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (presented resolution of support for Teach-In on March 10th was passed); Sub-Committee on Elections (presented resolution on classication various inter-disciplinary curriclum and Special Honors Curriclum would be treated the same as departments was passed); UARC (presented resolutions on: Departmental Advising, Course Repetition Rule, Women's Studies Program Minor Exemption, and faculty ability to change "INC" and "ABS" grades without departmental chair or dean approval).
Minutes Committee Reports: GCSC (approved curricular matters); UCSC (approved curricular matters); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Coordinating Committee for College Restructuring (presented a progress report on current findings. The final report will focus on three areas: Academic Support Services, Programs and Cirriculm Offerings, and Academic Administration); Ad-hoc Commitee on the Calendar (proposals for the 1977-1978 recieved have not been reviewed by the committee. After extensive discussion and amendments proposed Option II was passed); Evening Council Session (presented revised bylaws that were passed). 
Minutes Provost reported to the Senate on budget and enrollment matters. Report by the Ombudsman recommends creation of a uniform grade appeal policy and referred the matter to UARC. Announcement of sub-committee charged with overseeing spring Senate elections. Motion passed prioritizing processing teaching evaluations for those under consideration for promotion. Committee reports: Student Standing (ceremonial adoption of list of graduates); Calendar (presentation of several plans for scheduling classes for Fall 1977 term; decision postponed due to loss of quorum).
12-14-76 Minutes Committee reports: Nominating (filled committee vacancies); Coordinating Committee for College Restructuring (extensive discussion and debate concerning committee recommendations and reactions to other proposals; report as amended and adopted is Appendix II); Facilities and Services (passed resolution to abort alternative procedures with elevator operations); UARC and UCSC jointly (resolution on remedial credits and financial aid passed as amended in Appendix III).
Minutes Report by the President (Appendix II, including comment on the reorganization, creation of the “Open Line,” and budget matters); Report by the Ombudsman; created ad-hoc Committee on the Calendar; adopted Senate meeting calendar for Fall 1977; GCSAR (approved curricular matters); Budget (passed resolution to halt direct classroom instructional costs until assessment and approval by the body).
11-23-76 Minutes Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (election held to compose membership on the Coordinating Committee on College Restructuring); UCSC (approved currcular matter; revised report on Procedure for Implementing Curricula Revisions presented. After a lengthy discussion and amendments the report was accepted. Departmental Definition of Courses to Fulfill the Distribution Requirement report was accepted) UARC (Report on "Incompletes" was accepted after lengthy discussion and amendments).
11-9-76 Minutes Report by the Ombudsman; Senate Steering Committee authorized ad-hoc committee for Senate Coordinating Committee for College Restructuring; Report by Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UCSC (approved curricular matters).
10-19-76 Minutes Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UCSC (extensive disscussion and debate on the resolution for Proposals for Implementing Curricula Revisions. Amendments were made and due to the late hour it was agreed that a final vote will be taken at next meeting).
10-5-76 Minutes

President reported on two items of tremendous impact on the budget, enrollment and tuition income collected. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved resolutions allowing President on Alumni Association to report to the Senate, created a steering committee to explore temporally crucial issues affecting the well-being of the College, and creation of ad-hoc committee to review the administrative practices which relate to recruitment of students); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UCSC (approved curriculum proposals).

9-28-76 Minutes Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (search committee for the Dean of Sciences and Mathmatics has been formed); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Continuation of the Ombudsman Election (Professor Charles M. Sherover was elected).
9-14-76 Minutes Committee Reports: UCSC (approved curricular matters); UARC (passed resolution on Plus-Minus Grading policies).
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