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Agendas and Minutes 1986-1987

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05-20-87 Minutes

Chair Ross welcomed all the new members and let them know that they were about to experience a significant part of Hunter College history as Dean Richard Mawe is retiring after 27 years of service and will address the body not from his seat, but before them. Dean Mawe thanked everyone and gave a lengthy goodbye. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Election of Senate Officers took place); Charter Review Committee (third reading of proposed charter amendments). The Managers of the Bookstore came to answer questions and explained some of the problems they encounter in operating the bookstore.

05-13-87 Minutes

Committee Reports: Charter Review Committee (continuation of the second reading of proposed amendment to the charter, Appendix II).

05-06-87 Minutes

President reported on facilities, academic programs, and budget matters, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Charter Review Committee (continuation of the second reading, Appendix III).


President reported that the Middle States Evaluation Team report was received and that it was very favorable. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Charter Review Committee (presented the second batch of proposed amendments).


Vice President of Student Affairs, Fisherman, provided a report on academic discipline and disruptive behavior. Committee Reports: Charter Review Committee (continued the first reading of proposed amendments); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).



Provost reported on Dean Search, Middles States Evaluation, and the budget. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (provided update on the Search for Dean of Sciences and Mathematics); UARC (presented informational report on Plus/Minus Grading System and “R” Grade waiver for ENGL 120 was accepted).


President reported on the budget, construction, Middle States/Self-Study Report, and Dean of Sciences and Mathematics Search, Appendix II. Committee Report: UARC (report on W/WU Grades was approved as amended, Appendix III). 


Provost on behalf of the President conveyed their thanks and appreciation to the senate for a job well done this calendar year. Committee Reports: UARC (revised Course Repeat Rule, was approved as amended); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Advisory Committee on the Library (resolution to declare that 1987 be the Year of the Hunter Library Staff in recognition of their essential role in the life of the community carried); Calendar Committee (the 1987-88 College Calendar Proposal was approved, Appendix II).

12-03-86 Minutes

President reported on the upcoming Middle States review, as well as budget and tax reform issues happening up in Albany. Committee Reports: UARC (after a lengthy discussion and amendment the proposal, was committed back to committee); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

11-19-86 Minutes

President reported on the budget situation in Albany, which is confused and for the first time there may be spending caps imposed that would make it very tight. She held two well attended public forums with evening students who currently have no official representation. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies). Old Business: Continued the discussion concerning the Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights a resolution to applaud those who helped establish the committee and endorse the proposed goal and activities of the committee carried. A discussion on Senate sponsored opening hearings occurred and motion to direct the Administrative Committee to organize the first Open Hearing, carried.

11-05-86 Minutes

Committee Reports: Committee on Evaluation of Academic Administrators (provided informational report on the methodology that was used in evaluating administrators and final reports will be provided by the Administrative Committee to the administrator evaluated and their superior); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies). Old Business: Administrative Committee’s response to Prof. Brick’s resolution passed on 10-22-86 regarding the relationship between the Senate and the Professional Staff Congress’s new Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights.


President reported on the 1987-88 budget request and the College's plan concerning environmental safety and health issues. Committee Reports: Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement (presented its final report, Appendix III; motion to declare the committee inactive but not disbanded carried).


President Shalala welcomed everyone back to what she hoped would be an exciting year and reported on enrollment and budget matters. She informed everyone that this was the year for the Middle States accreditation review and that presidential reviews will be held by a committee of CUNY Trustees. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (held elections for Vice Chair and Chairs of Nominating, Budget and Master Plan committees; approved Procedures for the Election of Search Committees and held elections for the chair and member panels for the Search for Dean of Sciences and Math).

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