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Agendas and Minutes 1987-1988

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Meeting Agendas


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Committee Reports: UARC (revisions to the ABS/INC Grade policy were accepted as amended); Budget Committee (presented annual update, Appendix II); Departmental Governance Committee (approved revised bylaws of the Department of Romance Languages).


President reported on budget and personnel matters, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (provided update in the Presidential Search); UARC (revisions on “ABS/INC” policy carried as amended).


Acting President LeMelle reported on a number of items which have come from the Board of Trustees latest meeting such as the University’s policies on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Pluralism and Diversity, and curriculum reform in the preparation of teachers. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (updated on Asbestos Watch); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UCSC (resolution place one year moratorium on Distribution Requirement proposals carried as amended).


Committee Reports: Calendar Committee (continuation of the 14-weeek Bell Schedule and the proposed 1988-89 calendar. After lengthy discussion it was decided to uphold the 14-week class schedule but delay implementation of it until fall 1989, and 1988-89 would follow the current 13-week pattern, Appendix II).


Acting President LeMelle reported on budget, registration, enrollment, and advisement matters, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Provided update on the Presidential Search; election of a new Vice Chair); Sub-Committee to Review the College Calendar (resolution to move to a 14-week calendar carried); Calendar Committee (Bell Schedule proposal based on 14 weeks of classes and 1 week of finals).


Committee Reports: Committee on Evaluation of Academic Administrators (revised evaluation proposal presented). New Business: Vice President Anthony Picciano presented a proposal for a Hunter College Smoking Policy, which was drafted by the College’s Environmental Safety Committee, Appendix II.

12-02-87 Minutes

President Shalala gave a farewell address to the Senate. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UARC (continuation of a Plus/Minus Grading System).

11-18-87 Minutes

Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UARC (continuation of the discussion of a Plus/Minus Grading System).

11-04-87 Minutes

Committee Report: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies). The Assistant Vice Presidents Stanley Sokol and Ruth Weisgal presented the report concerning Fall ’87 Registration and took questions along with the Registrar Mr. Yechiel Rosenrauch.

10-07-87 Minutes

President Shalala informed the Senate that the Chancellor indicated in June that he intends to appoint Provost LeMelle as Acting President and that she will be leaving in early December. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (held elections for Chairs of the Master Plan, Nominating, and Budget Committees; informational presentation on Asbestos by Prof. Caravanos); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).


President Shalala said that she would not give a farewell speech, but keep going with the business of the college. She approved the ad-hoc agreement for the Presidential Search Committee and will not be involved in the process. She reported on budget, construction, enrollment, and retention matters, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (provided informational report on the Presidential Search Committee); Departmental Governance Committee (approved revised bylaws of the English Department).

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