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Agendas and Minutes 2000-2001

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Meeting Agendas


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05-16-01 Minutes

President reported on a variety of issues, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected Senate Officers); UCSC (revised report on Guidelines and Courses for New General Education Requirement approved, Appendix III).

05-09-01 Minutes

President reported on enrollment matters and the honors college, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Select Committee on the Pluralism and Diversity Requirement (approved Part II of the Final Report, Appendix III).


President reported on the 2001-2002 Performance Goals and Targets from the Chancellor and graduate enrollment, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Joint UCSC, UARC, & GCSC report (approved regarding admission of Undergraduate Students to Graduate Courses); GCSC & ARC (approved new SP grade).

04-18-01 Minutes Meeting was canceled.
04-04-01 Minutes Meeting was canceled.
03-28-01 Minutes Meeting was canceled.
03-14-01 Minutes

President reported on multiple admissions and the honors college, Appendix II. Committee Reports: UARC (approved minimum GPA for Courses in the Major).

02-28-01 Minutes Meeting was canceled.
02-14-01 Minutes

President reported on grants, enrollment, and budget matters, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved resolution of No Confidence in the CUNY Board of Trustees for interference in the Search for President, Appendix III).

12-13-00 Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (resolution to merge GCSC and GARC approved); Departmental Governance Committee (approved revised bylaws of the School of Health Sciences); UARC (approved new policy for the declaration of a major).

11-29-00 Minutes

President provided updates on several college and university developments, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement (revised report presented going over the General Education Requirement was accepted).

11-08-00 Minutes

Acting Provost Ann Cohen reported on behalf of President Gizis on the pending changes to the Distribution Requirement. Committee Reports: Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement (presented report on creating a General Education Requirement).

10-25-00 Minutes

President reported on new CUNY policies around Human Test subjects for research and grants that the college faculty has received, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (provided update on the presidential search); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies). New Business: Senate went into a Committee of the Whole to discuss the University Faculty Senate Resolution passed opposing the mandate by the Chancellor that department chairs be reviewed annually. Resolution was approved when back in formal session.

10-11-00 No agenda
Meeting was cancelled.
09-27-00 Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved election procedures for Ombudsman and held election; presented Membership Slate for Special Committee on Honors); Departmental Governance Committee (approved revised bylaws of the Department of Film and Media Studies).

09-13-00 Minutes

Acting President Gizis discussed enrollment and budget matters, Appendix II. He reported on the CUNY “flagship environment” and the new admissions process. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected standing committee chairs; established a Special Committee on the Hunter Honors Scholars Program).


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