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Agendas and Minutes 2015-2016

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Agendas and Minutes

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May 18, 2016 Agenda, Minutes
May 11, 2016 Agenda, Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Elected Chair and Member Panels for Search Committee for Chief Librarian); Select Committee on Honors (Approved to extend charge and composition of select committee for one more year); Committee on Academic Freedom (Approved resolution to endorse in Principal the University of Chicago statement on Freedom of Expression).

May 4, 2016 Agenda, Minutes

President reported that the Commencement is on June 2nd, and the speaker will be Arianna Huffington co-founder and editor in chief of the Huffington Post. She thanked everyone involved with the Master Plan Committee for their efforts this past year. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Shared the Composition of the Subcommittee on Hiring Practices, Announcement of Establishment for Search Committee for Chief Liberian); Charter Review (Presented Second Reading of the Proposed Amendments to the Charter); Master Plan Committee (Presented PowerPoint on the committee work and finding ver the past year); Committee on General Education (Approved Resolution re Hunter Focus).

April 20, 2016 Agenda, Minutes This meeting was cancelled.
April 6, 2016 Agenda, Minutes

This meeting was cancelled.

March 30, 2016 Agenda, Minutes

President reported on the current budget negotiation ongoing in Albany and a grant that the college received from the Mellon Foundation. Committee Reports: UCSC (provided an update on the current liberal arts issue); Administrative Committee (Approved Resolution Changing the structure of the General Education Committee); Charter Review (Presented First Reading of the Proposed Amendments to the Charter); Committee on Academic Freedom (Approved Revised Mission State for the Committee).·

March 9, 2016

Agenda, Minutes

Vice President of External Relations Terry Rosen Deutsch reported on the current budget negotiations for CUNY overall funding and the CUNY Capital Budget. Professor Jeremy Glick, Chair of the Hunter College of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) provided an update on current contract negotiations. President of FDA Professor McCauley presented a resolution that was approved to create a sub-committee to investigate hiring practices at the college. Committee Reports: Charter Review Committee (Passed four resolutions supporting substantial changes to the charter and will appear in the First Reading).

February 24, 2016 Agenda, Minutes

Acting Vice President for Administration Robert Pignatello was introduced and gave welcoming remarks to the Senate. Members of the Behavioral Response Team gave a PowerPoint Presentation. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Provided Update Regarding Action Impacting Hunter's School of Urban Public Health); Committee on Academic Freedom (Approved a revision of the charge of the committee); Charter Review Committee (Provided update on upcoming First Reading of Charter Amendments).·

February 10, 2016 No agenda

This meeting was cancelled.

December 9, 2015 Agenda, Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved list of candidates for diploma and degrees, Passed Resolution Concerning Actions of the CUNY Board of Trustees and the Office of Academic Affairs with Respect to the Disputation of the CUNY School of Public Health and Consortia Programs); Evaluation of Teaching (Approved two resolutions on the modification of the teacher evaluation instrument content and ·Recommendation of Student Engagement for Teacher Evaluations); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

November 25, 2015 No agenda

This meeting was cancelled.

November 11, 2015 Agenda, Minutes

Committee Reports: Academic Assessment and Evaluation (Resolution on the use of Assessment Results carried); The Senate dissolved into a Committee of the Whole to hear the President and Provost's Presentation on the results of the COACHE Survey.·

October 28, 2015 Agenda, Minutes

President reported on the Baker Building that will house the Theatre Department on 67th Street and the potential partnership between Hunter and the New York Philharmonic for then to use the Hunter Auditorium as their temporary home while they renovate David Geffen Hall. Committee Reports: Administration Committee (Elected Chair and Member Panels for Dean of the School of Education Search, Resolution Establishing Dance Department carried); Academic Freedom (revised mission statement presented and returned to committee for revisions).

October 14, 2015 Agenda, Minutes

Committee Reports: UCSC (reported on most recent revisions to the Procedures for Submitting Curriculum Proposals); Computing & Technology (reported on the ongoing review of the committee charge and the CUNY Institutional Repository).·

September 30, 2015 Agenda, Minutes

President welcomed everyone back and reported on new administrative officers, Master Planning efforts, and the current budget situation. Acting Provost reported on the upcoming release of the COACHE Survey data. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Announcement of the Search Committee for Dean of the School of Education, Senate Election of Faculty-Student Disciplinary Committee, Election of Budget, Master Plan, Nominating, GER, and Charter Review Committee Chairs).·

September 16, 2015 No agenda This meeting was cancelled.

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