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Agendas and Minutes 2001-2002

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Meeting Agendas


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Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected Senate Officers); Senate Computing & Technology Committee (presented an informational report on the need to have a long term planning in the technology area); Continued Discussion on Technology Fee Plan (Senate approved the recommendation that students be given a certain number of free copies of software).


President reported on new appointments, commencement being one single ceremony, and former President Clinton’s upcoming visit, Appendix II. Committee Reports: UCSC (three part report approved, Appendix IV); Vice President for Administration Len Zinnanti and Anand Padmanabhan, Director of ICIT gave a presentation on the Colleges Student Technology Fee Plan, Appendix V.


Committee Reports: UARC (approved resolution allowing students matriculating before Fall 2001 to have the option to fulfill either the Distribution Requirement or GER).


President reported on administrative hires and the technology fee that was passed by the CUNY Board of Trustees, Appendix III. Mr. Dennis Paoli Coordinator of the Reading/Writing Center presented a report on the CUNY Proficiency Exam (CPE), Appendix II. Committee Reports: Budget Committee (approved resolution for formula funding of the Senior Colleges).


Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved name change of the Commission on the Distribution and Pluralism and Diversity Requirements to the General Education Requirement Appeals Committee); UARC (report broken into three parts and approved regarding courses, regulations, and catalogue language for the GER Requirement). New Business: approved resolution opposing the proposed computer & technology fee and revocation of the last semester free program by the CUNY Board of Trustees.

02-13-02 Minutes

President introduced new members of her team and reported on the proposed CUNY Technology fee and budget matters. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved committee name change to Review Commissions on General Education Requirement; approved amended resolution on academic freedom).

12-19-01 Minutes

Special Meeting where President Raab and Provost Cohen gave a presentation on the Hunter College Performance Goals for the next year that have to be submitted to 80th Street in January, Appendix II.

12-12-01 Minutes

Committee Reports: UCSC (continued discussion on the revised report on the General Education Requirement amended and approved, Appendix II).

12-05-01 Minutes

President reported on current searches and student services, Appendix II. Committee Reports: UCSC (approved making foreign language its own separate requirement and new Group C Foreign Literature added to Stage 3).

10-24-01 Minutes

President reported on the success of the teach-in and how the current budget situation is uncertain, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved Recommended Procedures for Electing Search Committee for Provost and Election of Chair and Member Panels); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Special Committee on the Hunter Honors Scholars Program (discussion of final report and presentation from Program Director Prof. Roger Persell, Appendix III & IV).

10-10-01 Minutes

President Raab reported on the college’s response to the attacks that occurred on 9/11 and thanked everyone for coming together to let everyone know that Hunter was a safe space. The rest of the report focused on security and facility matters, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected standing committee chairs); UCSC (report to have Courses with “W” Designation for Stage 3 of the GER Requirement approved).

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