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Agendas and Minutes 1982-1983

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05-18-83 Minutes

President reported on budget, facilities, and personnel matters. President also gave a detailed report on the Evening Session as requested back in 1982 on how to improve Evening Sessions, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (election of senate officers and Chairs of Master Plan and Budget Committees took place; Election of Panel of 8 Faculty for the Auxiliary Enterprise Board and 6 Faculty members for College Association conducted); UARC (resolution on “R” Grade carried over to next meeting); Evening Session Council (presented report in response to Provost Riccards’ draft memorandum, Appendix III).

05-11-83 Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (resolution reaffirming position to not grant credit for non-college level work tabled after lengthy debate); UARC (resolution stating students may only receive an “R” once carried).

05-04-83 Minutes

Ombudsman presented summary report of the 115-120 formal cases that he played more than an advisory role in, Appendix II. Provost reported on the State Education Departments concerns with the Hunter College’s compliance with the Department’s laws, rules and regulations as a result of a 3-day visit centered around the college granting credit for non-college level course work. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (resolution rescinding position on remedial course carried after lengthy discussion).

04-20-83 Minutes

Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (presented report regarding remedial course credits and after an intense discussion and many friendly amendments, it was accepted); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Committee on Evaluation of Academic Administrators (presented informational report, Appendix II); UARC (resolution allowing any department to accept the 42-credit collateral major in Elementary Education in lieu of a minor was approved).

04-06-83 Minutes

President reported on the budget and tuition increase and the loss of some 23-50 faculty and staff lines. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (resolution to establish a standing committee on Graduate Academic Requirements was accepted as amended); Master Plan Committee (presented the “Preliminary Report on the Student Profile Study” with the “Survey of Hunter College Students” questionnaire).


President reported on facilities, tuition, and budget matters. Ombudsman reported that the Sexual Harassment Panel appointed by the President has been meeting regularly and a set of procedures had been adopted. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (resolution on the role of the Senate in relation to the Professional Staff Congress was approved as amended); Calendar Committee (proposed college calendar for 1983-84 carried).


President reported that the proposed budget is devastating for Hunter College due to the commitment to raise tuition and dormitory fees every year and the elimination of 100 plus positions that are needed to open the new buildings were taken out of the budget. President presented a letter writing campaign calling on the governor to restore the original funding figures for the college. 

12-22-82 Minutes

Ombudsman reported on the need for faculty and students to be careful about “ABS” and “INC” grades and the implications of them, because in both cases it implies that the student has been doing at least “C”work. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Committee on Food Services and Facilities resolution formally putting the committee under the senate carried); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); GCSC (presented revisions to the catalogue on change of degree program, courses outside of program, and minimum GPA for retention carried).

12-02-82 Minutes

Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Master Plan Committee (presented report with resolution to let CUNY-wide UFS know minutes are inaccurate due to the Hunter Governance body not being consulted was accepted as amended).

11-17-82 Minutes

President reported that she had appointed the members for the Search Committee for the Dean of the School of Nursing; she called on Mr. Desmond Eaton, Director of Security to give a presentation on Campus Security; President then presented on the “Directory” for space allocations. Committee Reports: Departmental Governance Committee (passed revised by-laws for the Department of Biological Sciences).

11-03-82 Minutes

President reported that the New York State Office of Management & Budget notified the University of its intention to impose a vacancy freeze and that the number of positions the college had to reduce are 32 by the end of June. Ombudsman reported on a survey he is conducting concerning CR/NC grades. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Departmental Governance Committee (approved bylaws for the new Department of Special Education, School of Nursing, and revised bylaws for the Department of Biological Sciences); UARC (resolution requiring all matriculated students to complete the Distribution Requirement was accepted as amended).


President reported on the new buildings and took questions. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elections for membership on the Select Committee on the Distribution Requirements and Search Committee for Dean of the School of Nursing held); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).


President reported on budgetary, enrollment, and personnel matters. Ombudsman reported on the President’s “Open Line” message on sexual harassment and ask for feedback about the procedures outlined; He will be exploring the Cr/NCr grade issue. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (held elections for Nominating and Budget Committee Chairs; Procedures for filling senate vacancies carried; Established a Select Committee on the Distribution Requirement).

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