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Agendas and Minutes 2002-2003

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Meeting Agendas


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President provided updates on commencement and reported that she is bringing in a consultant to help determine what the structure of the School of Arts and Sciences should be. Acting Vice President Ayravainen reported on the Placement Priorities and Policy Changes for Residence Halls. Acting Vice President Zinnanti reported on the Technology Fee and Security Issues. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected Senate Officers and meeting schedule).


President reported in the state budgets impact on tuition and Legislatures decision to not restore funding to the operating which is going to lead to layoffs. Committee Reports: UCSC (approved modifications to the GER, Appendix II). New Business: It was asked that Public Safety Director come update on a possible increase in crime at the campus.


Committee Report: Teacher Evaluation Committee (approved revised “Clinical” questionnaire, Appendix II). New Business: Vice Chair Murray moved that the Dean of Students be requested to report to the Senate concerning placement priorities and policy changes at the residence halls approved.


President provided updates on current searches, final budget, and campus wide communication. Committee Reports: UARC (final report on academic dishonesty grading). New Business: Prof. Sherrill moved that the UARC and Senate revisit the academic dishonesty issue was approved.


Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (approved resolution opposing the cut in funding for CUNY).

No agenda
This meeting was cancelled.


President reported on the budget. Acting Vice president Eija Ayravainen reported on efforts to reach out to students through a weekly e-bulletin. Vice President Zinnanti reported on the success of the pilot program ran last semester with online registration and the expansion going forward. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UARC (approved a modified major-minor form, Appendix III).


President reported on the need to meet the student’s demands to provide more classes at times when they are needed and that the summer schedule will be full and operated in two sessions. Vice President Zinnanti provided an update on the technology fee and where money was being used. Dean Escott reported on online voting in student government elections and a presentation Election Company that specializes in electronic voting. Committee Reports: Teacher Evaluation Committee (approved revised questionnaire, Appendix II); UARC (approved resolutions on departmental honors requirements and online course policy).


President reported on the current state budget situation. Committee Reports: Teacher Evaluation Committee (presented revised questionnaire).

02-05-03 Minutes

President reported on the budget and how the city side restored the cuts to faculty lines but the state side of the budget is where cuts would be felt. Committee Reports: Teacher Evaluation Committee (continued discussion on report).

12-11-02 Minutes

President reported on the pending subway strike and the contingency plans that she hopes the college will not have to use. Committee Reports: UCSC (approved resolution allowing transfer students with 61 or more credits since Fall 2001 be exempt from GER Stage 3); Teacher Evaluation Committee (presented informational report).

11-20-02 Minutes

President reported on current searches, budget and student services issues. Mike Escott presented a report on the student disciplinary process. Committee Reports: Student Caucus (approved resolution urging the Provost and Department Chairs to look at the bias of course availability based on level).

10-23-02 Minutes

President Raab gave a PowerPoint presentation on the draft “Hunter College Performance Goal 2002-2003”, Appendix III. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Departmental Governance Committee (approved revised Model Departmental bylaws, Appendix II).

10-09-02 Minutes

President reported on the Advisory Committee on Student Services. Prof. Joan Tronto, Chair of the President’s Advisory Committee on Student Services gave a PowerPoint presentation, Appendix II. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

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