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Agenda and Minutes 2013-2014

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Agendas and Minutes

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May 14, 2014 Agenda, Minutes Discussion of PMP goals with President, Election of Senate Officers: Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Chair of Evening Council; Provost presentation on the Middle States Periodic Review Report. Committee reports: Student Success; General Education (Resolution to adopt learning outcomes for U.S. Experience in Its Diversity, passed; Resolution to change Hunter Core, defeated); Departmental Governance (Adoption of School of Nursing Bylaws, unable to vote due to loss of quorum); Approved curriculum changes
May 7, 2014 Agenda, Minutes Approved curriculum changes 

President reported on current administrative searches and technology changes that occurred over the break. Vice President for Student Affairs reported on a new policy that will allow students to receive financial aid refund two to three weeks earlier. Ombudsman presented annual report for cases seen during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years. Committee Reports: Student Standing Committee; UCSC (Resolution on Course Numbers and Non-Permanent Courses approved, Appendix III); Committee on Teacher Evaluations (PowerPoint presentation on student response rates and ways to increase participation).

April 23, 2014 Agenda, Minutes Approved curriculum changes: Part I, Part II 

President reported on the college's first homecoming and commencement. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Elected Chair and Member Panel for the Search Committee for Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences).

April 9, 2014 No agenda This meeting was cancelled.
March 26, 2014 Agenda, Minutes Approved curriculum changes

President reported on the CUNY wide Performance Management Process (PMP) new format, Appendix II. (Strategic Plan update) Committee Reports: Committee on the Evaluation of Teaching (provided an informational update on response rate of Teacher Evaluations); Committee on Computing & Technology (report title Suggestions for Faculty Designing and Teaching Hybrid and Online Courses was endorsed by voice vote); Committee on the Library (resolution on optimizing resources at the Library carried by voice vote).

March 6, 2014 Agenda, Minutes Approved curriculum changes: Part I, Part II, Part III

President thanked everyone for their work on Pathways and provided an update on the Library construction. Committee Reports: GER Committee (provided update on Pathways and departmental requirements).

February 19, 2014 No agenda This meeting was cancelled.
February 5, 2014 Agenda, Minutes Approved curriculum changes

Provost provided an update on the Periodic Review process. (Strategic Plan update) Committee Reports: GER Appeals Committee (presented on the newly developed online application for general education appeals).

December 11, 2013 Agenda, Minutes Approved curriculum changes

Committee Reports: Joint Report by the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee and the Graduate Course of Study and Academic Requirements Committee (Regarding the Procedures for Curriculum Proposals carried without dissent). The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole to hear a Report from the President on Student Success.

December 4, 2013 Agenda, Minutes Approved curriculum changes

Chair reported that the President will present a report at the next meeting and the Senate will dissolve into a Committee of the Whole during the presentation. Committee Reports: Committee on Academic Freedom (Resolution to repudiate the 10/11/13 draft proposal of "The City University of New York Policy on Expressive Conduct" carried, Appendix II).

November 20, 2013 Agenda, Minutes Approved curriculum changes: Part I, Part II

President reported on personnel matters and the Alumni Event that be held on April 4th. Director of Public Safety reported on the Annual Security Report. Committee Reports: Committee on Academic Freedom (provided informational update); UARC (revised Course Repeat Rule carried without dissent). Old Business: Resolution to reject the proposed "City University of New York Policy on Expressive Conduct" was referred to committee for definite postponement until December 4th.

November 6, 2013 No agenda This meeting was cancelled.
October 23, 2013 Agenda, Minutes

President reported on library renovations for the 6th and 7th floors and provided updates on the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Project at 74th Street and Weill-Cornell final announcement to occupy a floor in the Bellevue Research Building. Provost presented a report regarding the Periodic Review Report (PRR), (Strategic Plan Update) Appendix II. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (Election of Chair and Member Panel for Search Committee for CIO/Assistant VP for ICIT; Procedures for Curriculum Proposals: Special Actions, Appendix III; Resolution to Establish the Women and Gender Studies Department carried; Resolution to Remain Select Committee on First Year Experience to Student Success carried; Resolution to establish Select Committee on Honors carried); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

October 9, 2013 No agenda This meeting was cancelled.
September 25, 2013 Agenda, Minutes

President reported on the second selections of scholar cohorts and the social bonding they will provide freshmen students. The Periodic Review for Middles States is this year and five areas that will be reviewed were presented. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected Chair of Charter Review Committee and membership slate for the Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee). New Business: UFS is machining recommendations on CUNY-wide budgetary priorities and has asked that Hunter College prioritize a list or add items to the current list.

September 11, 2013 Agenda, Minutes

President reported on the continued work being done with the implementation of Pathways and library renovations that are underway. Provost introduced the new Dean for the College of Arts & Sciences Andrew Polsky and new leaders at Roosevelt House. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected chairs for Budget, Master Plan, Nominating, and General Education Committees).


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