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Agendas and Minutes 2012-2013

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Meeting Agendas


Topics and Actions

05-15-13 Minutes

Election of Senate Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Chair of the Evening Council; Senate Procedures for Appeals for General Education (adopted); Resolution to revise appeals document (passed); Committee Reports: Departmental Governance (Philosophy Department Bylaws, adopted), Undergraduate Course of Study, Committee on Academic Assessment and Evaluation; Approved Curriculum Changes: Part I, Part II.

05-08-13 Minutes

Provost presented Resolution establishing the Hunter College School of Health Professions and creating the Departments of Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, and Audiology, and adjusting the Divisional Structure of Hunter College which was approved; Students presented Resolution in Support of Clean Construction Polices at CUNY was adopted; Chief Operating Officer gave campus security update, Ombudsman presented annual report. Committee Reports: GER Committee (Revision of Hunter Core Requirement).


Report by the Chief Operating Officer reviewing the CUNYFirst website. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (reported on Hunter L guidelines).


Report by the President to the body,updating them on the progress of the upcoming buildings and renovations happening at Hunter. Provost Vita Rabinowitz reported on “Proposals for Curriculum Innovation Grants.” Committee reports: Administrative Committee (report regarding Special Senate Election and approved curriculum changes, presented draft for the Hunter L guidelines); Committee on Computing & Technology (presented on teacher evaluation incentives for students).


No agenda

This meeting was canceled.


Committee reports: Administrative Committee (report regarding Special Senate Election and approved curriculum changes. Proposal to create a new program in Human Biology. Resolution establishing a program in human biology in the Hunter College School of Arts & Sciences); GER Committee (presented re: The Hunter Core Requirement regarding parts of the foreign language requirement).


President reported on CUNY pathways and construction happening around the college. Committee reports: Administrative Committee (report regarding Special Senate Election and approved curriculum changes); GER Committee (report CUNY pathways).

No agenda

This meeting was canceled.


Committee report: Administrative Committee (report regarding Special Senate Election); UCSC (report on course submission for Fall 2013). Report by the Office of Assessment on Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA).

12-12-12 Minutes

Committee reports: Administrative Committee (regarding Approved Curriculum Changes, TheList of Candidates for Diplomas and Degrees and Senate Membership); Academic Freedom Committee (presented the report requesting the need representation from the faculty from Education, from Health Professions and Social Work); Committee on Computing and Technology and the Committee on Teacher Evalutions (presented a report on teacher evaluations). The Senate resolved the temporary reallocation of seats be applied at Senate meetings. ACERT presented a report regarding their mission to serve as a faculty development program.

12-05-12 Minutes

Committee reports: Administrative Committee (report regarding Special Senate Election and approved curriculum changes, presented on the resolution establishing the Medical Laboratory Sciences Department in the School of Arts and Sciences); Master Plan (presented on the upcoming logistical strategic planning of the college). The Chief Operating Officer reported on the state of the college post-Hurricane Sandy. The Secretary of the Senate presented a resolution and recommended that the body consider a temporary reallocation of seats.

11-14-12 Minutes

President reported on the status of the college after Hurricane Sandy. Resolutions presented in support of the Queensborough faculty stance on Pathways. Committee reports: Administrative Committee (report on the Resolution Regarding the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Resolution: CUNY Institute for Computer Simulation, Stochastic Modeling and Optimization (COSSMO), Approved Curriculum Changes, and the election of the committee chair); Committee on Academic Assessment & Evaluation; UCSC (report on Pathways implementation).

11-07-12 No agenda

This meeting was canceled.

10-17-12 Minutes

Committee reports: Administrative Committee (report regarding Approved Curriculum Changes, report on The CUNY Institute for Computer Simulation, Stochastic Modeling and Optimization (COSSMO); GER Committee (presented an update on Pathways). Report by the Department of English, resolution presented on four-hour composition courses.

10-03-12 Minutes

President reported on the proposed academic excellence fees. Committee reports: Administrative Committee (report regarding Approved Curriculum Changes and the election of committee chairs); Budget Committee (report on the general Resolutions on Academic Excellence Fees. It was resolved that The City University of New York adopt a schedule of academic excellence fees for various departments, programs, and schools).

09-19-12 Minutes

Report by the President to the body updating them on the progress of the upcoming buildings and renovations happening at Hunter. Report by the Provost and Vice President for Student affairs on the new class of students and the new faculty joining the college. Committee reports: Administrative Committee (report regarding Approved Curriculum Changes and the election of committee chairs); Report by the Chair of the UCSC on CUNY’s “Pathways” updates.

No agenda

This meeting was canceled.

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