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Agendas and Minutes 1989-1990

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President reported on several disruptions at Hunter that have been handled in a peaceful manner. He reported on the budget cuts of the past two years and how more may be on the horizon and that on the development side he is hard at work fundraising. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (election of Senate Officers and Search Committee for Dean of the School of Social Work took place); Advisory Committee on the Library (resolution approved).


Committee Reports: Teacher Evaluation Committee (presented report recommending the approval of the “Clinical Form” for use in clinical and lab course evaluation for the Nursing Program carried, Appendix II); UARC (resolved into a committee of the whole to consider the report and provide direction to further action carried).


President reported that there was no budget news yet and provided an update on the current searches under way. He announced that he created the new position of Affirmative Action Officer and Special Assistant to the President for Campus Relations and Prof. Robert Carter will take the post. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (presented Charter Amendment to Article VII New Section 14, as recommended by the CUNY Vice Chancellor’s Office, was defeated); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); GARC (three part report to amend the catalogue carried as amended).


President reported on the bonds being sold for reconstruction work in the North Building that will start in the near future and that an offer has been made and accepted by an individual who will be the college's Asbestos Coordinator. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (appoint an ad-hoc committee to explore remediation placement needs for matriculated and non-degree students); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UARC (resolution advising the Board of Trustees to withdraw any attempt to mandate a university-wide policy on “F” Grades carried); Departmental Governance Committee (approved revised bylaws of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics).


President LeClerc announced that today was the founding of the college 120 years ago. He reported on budget, personnel matters. Committee Reports: Calendar Committee (the 1990-1991 Calendar Proposal (Appendix II) and Revised Bell Schedule (Appendix III) were accepted).


President reported on the mentoring program aimed at increasing the retention of freshman, and the search committees for three senior level administrative positions. Committee Reports: Teacher Evaluation Committee (presented progress report with the 1989 “sensitivity question” survey and will spend the rest of the semester looking at the issues students raised on the effectiveness of the current evaluation form); UARC (presented language to clarify wording concerning “Final Examination” to comply with State Education Department regulations carried). New Business: Prof. Matthews moved that UARC and GARC meet jointly in order to coordinate the requirements carried.


President reported the resignation of the Chancellor, possible mid-year budget cuts, and strong fundraising efforts. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UARC (proposal for Proficiency Testing for Non-Degree Students-effective Fall 1990 was approved).


President reported on building renovations, fundraising, and budget matters. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (election of Chair and Member Panels for the Search Committee for Dean of Social Sciences and Chief Librarian conducted; resolution on Committee Membership Rotation carried); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies). New Business: Mr. James Goodman, representative of students in the Honors Program, requested that the appropriate Senate committee consider a plus/minus grading system.


President reported on fundraising and the many grants and gifts the college received in the past year. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Departmental Governance Committee (approved new bylaws for the School of Health Sciences). New Business: Prof. Kirsch presented draft proposal for Asbestos Control Program.


President reported on the ten goals he laid out before the Senate last year focusing on environmental health and safety and budget concerns. Provost Strumingher reported on how delighted she is to be a member of the college community. She reported on the goals for the next few years, many of which are in the formative stages. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elections held for Chairs of Budget, Master Plan, and Charter Review Committees); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies). Old Business: Chair Kirsch presented two alternative senate meeting schedules and Wednesdays from 4:30-6 PM was approved.

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