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Agendas and Minutes 1974-1975

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5-20-75 Minutes Report by the President (Appendix II); Report by the Ombudsman on Charter Review (Appendix III); Resolution of acclamation for the Provost. Annual election of officers; Report by UCSC on Basic Prescription with presentation of alternate plans. Proficiency examination policy established for foreign language requirement, and resolution passed to create a committee to select the exams and prepare them by the Fall 1975 semester. Motion carried authorizing UCSC to review interdisciplinary courses for the Distribution Requirement. Motion came to the floor to make it explicit that the foreign language requirement approved for the “package” of proposals at the May 13, 1975, meeting be adopted as THE foreign language requirement effective in Fall 1975. There was disagreement as to whether this already occurred in the actions on May 13. The meeting adjourned without further action at the scheduled time.
5-13-75 Minutes Announcement by the Provost concerning meeting of the Committee on Affirmative Action. Report by UCSC on Basic Prescription proposals, particularly modes and purposes of foreign language study; motion carried for substitute proposal on the foreign language requirement to be included in the package for changes in the proposed Distribution Requirement. Meeting adjourned without further action at the scheduled time.
5-06-75 Minutes President Wexler reported that she prepared a written report on her administration’s implementation of Senate resolutions and requested its distribution. Further reporting by the president and ombudsman to be postponed until the May 20, 1975, meeting due to the need to discuss and approve changes to the Basic Prescription. Ceremonial adoption of list of graduates for June, 1975. Extensive discussion of the Basic Prescription, alternative proposals, and substitute resolutions. Meeting adjourned without further action at the end of the scheduled time.
4-22-75 Minutes Report by the President (Appendix II). Committee reports: UCSC (discussion and approval of curriculum proposals; report on alternative proposals to the Basic Prescription dated April 8, 1975; extensive discussion of sections although no actions were passed). Meeting adjourned without further action at its scheduled time.
4-08-75 Minutes Report by Ombudsman on Charter Review. Committee reports: UARC (issued report addressing admissions matters with resolutions (Appendix II); adopted following discussion and amendments); UCSC and GCSAR (curricular matters approved); meeting adjourned due to expiration of meeting time. Informal discussion of Basic Prescription proposals followed.
3-18-75 Minutes Committee reports: UCSC (approval of curricular matters, including discussion of experimental course proposals); Nominating (continued discussion and debate concerning the Review Commission for the Basic Prescription, including nominations for members and voting procedures; elections conducted). UARC was due to report, but the meeting adjourned due to loss of quorum.
Minutes Committee reports: Nominating (committee vacancies filled; discussion and debate concerning the “Review Commission” for the Basic Prescription—this committee to review requests for deviation/appeals). Meeting adjourned due to loss of quorum.
Minutes Elections Sub-Committee of the Administrative Committee established. Committee reports: Joint Budget and Calendar (proposed a double summer session, accepted); Nominating (motion passed on declaring faculty seats vacant when members are on sabbatical; filled committee vacancies); Committee on Registration Procedures (on combining summer and fall early registration); UARC (revised math proficiency requirement adopted). New business: UCSC report (on curricular matter approved, then a motion carried to move the rest over to next meeting); motion carried to require the Administrative Committee to report back on the lavatory matter that passed on October 22, 1974.
Minutes Report by the President (Appendix II); Report by the Ombudsman on Charter Review (Appendix III); Committee reports: GCSAR (proposal to establish a graduate program in American Studies was debated, including a minority report, and ultimately defeated; another curricular item passed); UCSC (Basic Prescription changes with substitute proposals discussed without further action).
12-17-74 Minutes Report by the President (Appendix II); Report by the Ombudsman (Appendix III); Debate and discussion of the Basic Prescription (motion carried to recommit portions along with instructions: Appendix IV).
Minutes Committee Reports: Student Standing (ceremonial adoption of list of candidates for diplomas); Calendar (with opposing motions defeated, 1975-1976 calendar adopted); Continued debate (not in a Committee of the Whole) on revisions to the Basic Prescription; foreign language requirement a source of contention.
11-26-74 Minutes Further discussion of the Basic Prescription. Presentation by UCSC included proposals for a foreign language requirement and the creation of a sub-committee to approve plans for deviating from the Distribution Requirement. Minority report also presented. No actions.
11-12-74 Minutes UCSC issued report on recommended changes to the Basic Prescription. A minority report was also distributed. Discussion occurred in Committee of the Whole.
10-22-74 Minutes Committee reports: UCSC and GCSAR (curricular actions approved; GCSAR agreed to report later on accelerated BA/MA programs); Facilities and Services (issued report, which was accepted; motions passed on certain items, including distributing information about services and appropriate offices for lodging complaints about services; motion carried to unlock all lavatories); Joint Committees on Calendar and Budget (interim report distributed); Motion to close the college on Election Day failed when it was determined there was no quorum, and then the meeting adjourned.
10-08-74 Minutes Report by the President included: request for the Senate committees to understand “the necessity of seriously studying all of the ramifications of any decision about the academic program” before modifying the curriculum, this is particularly true for budget; description of what is a department; urged tabling program matters until “budgetary consequences could be carefully examined.” Report by the Ombudsman included update on Charter Review negotiations; includes exchange with President Wexler about the Ombudsman role in the process. Motion carried to require Charter Review Committee to distribute a draft proposal for informational purposes. Report by the Administrative Committee included discussion of meeting calendar and a motion to continue to have UARC and Student Standing meet jointly (tabled). Announcement about a CUNY committee on awareness of governmental concerns. Resolution on introduction of technologies in the college (defeated). Committee reports: Nominating (committee vacancies filled); UCSC (curricular actions approved).
9-24-74 Minutes Report by the President included comments about state and city elections, charter review, and academic integrity. Report by the Ombudsman included updates on progress of charter review and specific concerns by various groups. Administrative Committee report included updates on membership and request for authorization to fill vacant seats (passed). Committee reports: Student Standing (ceremonial adoption of candidates for degrees); Nominating (filling committee vacancies); UCSC (resumption of discussion of “Veterans’ Report” from 05-21-74; motion to postpone indefinitely carried); Transportation (distributed report); Student Rights (policies and procedures report adopted: Appendix II); Departmental Governance (distributed report and made emendations from the floor concerning appointment of program coordinators for Health, Dance, Physical Education, and Co-curricular Activities). Committee on Facilities and Services asked to investigate problems with the new elevators.
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