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Agendas and Minutes 2006-2007

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Meeting Agendas


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President reported on the CUNY Student Complaint procedure and fundraising efforts during the past year. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected Senate Officers and Chair and Member Panels for the Search Committee for Assistant Vice President of ICIT); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Committee on Academic Freedom (approved recommend Student Complaint Procedures).

No agenda This meeting was cancelled.


President reported on security measures in place in light of the event at Virginia Tech and updated the Senate on the upcoming commencement ceremony.Committee Reports: Computing and Technology Committee (provided information update on the committee's activity, Appendix II); Budget Committee (provided detailed reported and thanked Vice President Wang for his cooperation, Appendix III).


Dr. Wendy Katkin, Director of the Mellon Grant Commission on the Undergraduate Curriculum provided an updated Mellon Project and what she hopes it will become at Hunter College. President reported on the increased funding for the CUNY Compact and the committee from last year will be reconvened to hear some general ideas about spending. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (continued discussion on Roosevelt House and approved formation of advisory committee); IRB Update (Provost reported that she is working with the senate to form a committee to examine IRB issues that have been raised by the Senate and other forums).

No agenda
This meeting was cancelled.


President and Provost gave combined PowerPoint presentation on Hunter College Performance Goals 2006-2007, Appendix II. They both also talked about the current renovations at Roosevelt House and the planned programs that will be located there.

No agenda
This meeting was cancelled.
02-14-07 Minutes

President reported budget and personnel matters. Committee Reports: Calendar Committee (approved addition of an 8 week Summer Session I schedule, Appendix IV); Committee on Computing and Technology (approved resolution regarding web management); CUNY Procedures for Handling Student Complaints About Faculty in Academic Settings (Professor Stapleford introduced the procedures and held discussion on them, Appendix V)


President reported on her visit to Brookdale and that they are getting ready to release the RFEI, which is the Request for Expression of Interest. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Departmental Governance Committee (approved revised bylaws of the Psychology Department); Master Plan Committee (presented update on the committee’s activity and President’s report to them, Appendix II).


Committee Reports: Institutional Review Board (provided a summary update on their activities and took questions from the Senate, Appendix II).

11-15-06 No agenda
This meeting was cancelled.


President reported on the student experience at Hunter and current space issues. Provost reported on three major college-wide initiatives: the Mellon Project, the upcoming Middle States evaluation, and CUNY Campaign for Student Success. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

No agenda
This meeting was cancelled.


President reported on the reconvening of the Committee on Compact Spending and announced that the School of Public Health will be housed at Hunter. Committee Reports: UARC (approved requirement that after 10 years of not being matriculated students reentering would adhere to the catalogue in effect); Calendar Committee (approved modified bell schedule, Appendix II).


President Raab welcomed everyone back and introduced new members of her team and reported on administrative departures, Appendix II. Ombudsman provided a summary report of the cases she saw in the prior year, Appendix III. Committee Reports: Administrative Committee (elected standing committee chairs and Chair and Member Panel for the Search for Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost; approved Standing Committee on Academic Freedom).

No agenda
This meeting was cancelled.

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