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Agendas and Minutes 1977-1978

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5-16-78 Minutes

Report by the Administrative Committee approving curriculum changes.  Departmental Governance Committee approved the amendment to the bylaws. UCSC presented a motion for the nominations for the various positions on the Senate.


President reported that the evaluation of the School of Nursing has been completed and accreditation has been extended for six years, and highlighted the concerns that the league had, which are shared by the administration; The SEEK plan effectiveness and guidelines presented. Ombudsman summarized the types of cases that were seen, which fell into five specified areas. Committee Reports: UARC (resolution on student minimum GPA in the major for graduation was accepted as amended); Committee for the Review of Student Recruitment Practices (resolution to add non-voting member to committee was carried by hand vote); Committee on Evaluating of Teaching (resolution to keep the evaluation materials the same for two years was approved).

4-18-78 Minutes

Committee Report: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Master Plan Committee (presented report on “A View of the Future of Hunter College,” it was moved that the Provost become a one person committee and the report be returned to committee and reported back later); UARC (presented a report and three part resolution that would not allow student to repeat a course in which they received a grade of A, B, C, or Cr, and that letter grades in all courses be counted in the GPA; A student who received a grade of F or NC twice will need special approval to retake the course was accepted with amendments).


Provost reported on enrollment, student services, and budget matters. Ombudsman reported that intersession visitors had a variety of problems too disparate for classification, and that students have come not to complain, but to commend the new registration procedure.  Committee Reports: Teacher Evaluations Committee (resolution that all students officially registered appear on all future Teacher Evaluation Printouts was presented and carried by hand vote); Evening Session Council (presented three part resolution that encourage “older” students to explore their potential by taking courses as non-degree students and that the college undertake to admit them through OAS, finally the college should take effective action to make admissions and advising procedures known was accepted).

12-13-77 Minutes

Provost reported on the Exxon Grant for developing a program on Energy Policy Studies. Committee Reports: Sub-Committee on Elections (report presented with two resolutions on tentative calendar for elections and election plans from various constituencies were adopted as submitted); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Ad-hoc Committee on the Calendar (report presented on the Alternate II Calendar proposal was accepted).

12-06-77 Minutes

In celebration of the 100th meeting President Wexler, who convened the first called the meeting to order and reported on the process that led to the creation of the current senate and how grateful she is too everyone for their patience to the institution of the Senate. Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UARC (report on Revised Guidelines on OAS Admission for Spring 1978 was accepted as amended).


Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Ad-hoc Committee on the Calendar (the committee reviewed all five calendar proposals and would like to recommend a sixth. A term start date of September 23rd, 1978 was adopted).

11-01-77 Minutes

Provost reported that the President is working hard to secure the Bellevue Building, and trying to get blocks out of the way on the bond issue, which needs to be sold before the 68th Street buildings, can be completed. The Senate Calendar Committee sent out a copy of the proposed calendar for next year with an accompanying memo regarding the reasoning for the later starting date. Committee Reports: UCSC (presented informational report on the Distribution Requirement); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); UARC (revised report on Grade Appeals Procedures was accepted as amended).

10-11-77 Minutes

Committee Reports: UARC (report on the Minimum Requirements for Admission of Transfer Students was accepted); Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies).

9-27-77 Minutes Committee Reports: Nominating Committee (filled committee vacancies); Coordinating Committee for College Restructuring (continuation of discussion on the final report. Section II on Libraries was postponed; Section III was accepted with amendments); UARC (report on Revised Dean's List Requirements was accepted as amended).
9-20-77 Minutes

President reported on enrollment and budgetary matters. Committee Reports: Coordinating Committee for College Restructuring (final report was discussed with pieces being approved or referred to other Senate committees).

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