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Agendas and Minutes




Agendas and Minutes

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May 10, 2023 Agenda, Minutes
May 3, 2023 Agenda, Minutes
April 19, 2023 Agenda, Minutes Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Changes, Joint report by the UCSC and GCSARC: the Resolution on Routine De-Registration Proposals - Approved, Nominations for the CUNY Common Core Committees, Election Procedures for the Administrative Committee: "The election of officers and the 4 at-large members of the Administrative Committee to ensure diversity of representation" - Approved, Creating Senate Ad-Hoc SPARC/Brookdale Strategic Transition Committee (SBSTC) - Approved); Resolution to Rename the School of Urban Public Health and Move the Department under the Auspices of the Hunter College School of Health Professions - Approved; Committee on General Education (Revision of the Pluralism & Diversity requirement - debate).   
March 22, 2023 Agenda, Minutes President's report; Provost's report on the CUNY transfer credit initiative; Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Changes, Election Procedures for Administrative Committee, Call for Nominees for the CUNY Common Core Committees, Update on the meeting with Hector Batista, Vice Chancellor & Chief Operating Office, about planning for the 73rd Street site), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Committee on the Budget (Update on the current financial situation), Committee on General Education (Update on the project to revise the Pluralism & Diversity requirement). 
March 8, 2023 Agenda, Minutes Canceled.  
February 22, 2023 Agenda, Minutes Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Special Senate Election for Vacant At-Large Seats, Approved Curriculum Changes, Election of Nominees for Search Committee for Dean for the School of Education, Letter to Chancellor on 73rd Street), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Undergraduate Course of Study Committee and Graduate Course of Study & Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution to Extend Grace Period - Approved).   
February 8, 2023 Agenda, Minutes


December 7, 2022 Agenda, Minutes

Chair Remarks; Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Changes, Information from Hunter Legal on ADA Accommodations, Announcement about accepting nominations for Search Committee for Vice President for Administration), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on Multiple Majors at Hunter College - Approved; Resolution on Double Counting of Courses between Majors and Minors - Approved); Old Business: Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution Regarding Transfer of Military Credits - Approved), Committee of the Whole on Extraordinary Circumstances and Remote Participation.  

November 30, 2022 Agenda, Minutes

President's report; Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Sub-Committee on Pluralism & Diversity, Special Senate Election for Vacant At-large Seats, Videoconferencing in Committee meetings, Committee of the Whole on Extraordinary Circumstances and Remote Participation), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Committee on Student Success (Resolution Altering the Structure of Senate Committee on Student Success - Approved), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on Multiple Majors at Hunter College - Failed).  

November 9, 2022 Agenda, Minutes

Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Special Senate Election for Vacant At-large Seats, Extraordinary Circumstance and Remote Participation), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on Double Counting of Courses Between or Among Majors at Hunter - Approved); Old Business: Grade Appeals Committee (Hunter College Grade Appeals Procedures - Approved). 

October 26, 2022 Agenda, Minutes


October 12, 2022 Agenda, Minutes

Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Special Senate Election for Vacant At-large Seats, Approved Curriculum Changes, Election of Search Committee for Dean of Schools of Nursing, Nominating Committee - most recent nominations, Announcement about the 26 October meeting, Announcement by Vice Chair about an upcoming Student Caucus meeting, Update on the Board of Trustees' authorization of a remote participation option for those in extraordinary circumstances), Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee (Resolution on Double Counting of Courses Between or Among Majors at Hunter - Failed), Grade Appeals Committee (Presentation of the revised Grade Appeals Procedures). 

September 21, 2021 Agenda, Minutes Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Special Senate Election for Vacant At-large Seats, Election of Committee Chairs, Update on CUNY Response to FGL Memorandum on CUNY Grading Policy, Update on Search Committee for Dean of Schools of Nursing), General Education Committee (Update on the P&D Revision project), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations); Strategic Plan (Approved); New Business: Update from the Senate Chair on an early draft of the CUNY 2022-29 Strategic Plan presented by the new University Provost, Wendy Hansel. 
September 7, 2022 Agenda, Minutes

Committees' reports: Administrative Committee (Approved Curriculum Changes, Election of Committee Chairs, Update on Fall meeting format), Nominating Committee (Most recent nominations); Ombuds Report (Annual report); President's report; Strategic Plan Presentation. 

Earlier Meetings

2021-2022 2020-2021
2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013
2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005
2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 1996-1997
1995-1996 1994-1995 1993-1994 1992-1993 1991-1992 1990-1991 1989-1990 1988-1989
1987-1988 1986-1987 1985-1986 1984-1985 1983-1984 1982-1983 1981-1982 1980-1981
1979-1980 1978-1979 1977-1978 1976-1977 1975-1976 1974-1975 1973-1974 1972-1973
1971-1972 1970-1971





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