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Grounded Mentoring of Untenured and Mid-career Black and Latino Faculty

Professors Arlene Torres and Anthony P. Browne, Interim Chair of Africana Puerto Rican/Latino Studies successfully submitted a proposal and obtained funding from the School of Arts & Sciences to host a research/writing seminar in support of mentoring and retention strategies for tenure-track and mid-career faculty. Torres, Browne and seminar participant, Professor Milagros Denis-Rosario will discuss strategies employed and preliminary seminar outcomes as part of the CUNY wide Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2013, "Building on a Strong Foundation: Opportunities and Challenges," to be held on Friday, March 8, 2013, at the CUNY Graduate Center. The seminar's objectives and faculty accomplishments will also be discussed at the A&S brown-bag lunch on Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 1:00-2:30PM, room E819, Hunter College.

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